*love at first glance*

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    Anastasia  was at the fair with her friends Isabel and Brittany. She was there every year  it became her tradition even if she didn't really like rollercoasters.But last year she came with her boyfriend of three months whom she broke up with because he told her 'I love you'. She didn't feel the same way. He cried.

She's never really felt that way about boys. "The way you're supposed to feel about a boy when you're a girl".But that's how she always was. Boys liked her and she never really liked them back.

She didn't feel bad about it though she always pushed it off as " he's just not the one for me"  or "I don't know I guess he's just not my type" but a part of her deep deep down knew that her type was completely different from a boy.

At the moment Brittany was trying to convince Anastasia to go on puke-the-duke with her. Anastasia was trying her hardest not to give into the girl because she truly hated the idea of spinning around over and over again and accidentally throwing up on someone but she was a people pleaser and it really took a lot of her to say no especially to one of her best friends.

As Brittany Isabel and Anastasia walked toward the ride they got stopped by three other girls. Pj,Josie and Hazel. Hazel Callahan. Anastasia always thought Hazel was pretty. Sure she can't recognize sarcasm and can sometimes be naive. But as high school went on Hazel stood out to Ana more and more.

They were always nice to each other Anastasia would wave and Hazel would wave back but other than that they really didn't talk to each other. And yet all she could do while PJ was horribly attempting to flirt with Brittany was stare at the girl.

All of a sudden Hazels cotton candy got thrown on the ground. The four other girls left and it was just Ana and Hazel then suddenly Anastasia found her mouth moving faster than her brain could register.

"Hazel do you wanna go get some more cotton candy with me since they just kinda threw yours on the ground?" She softly asked not to look at the girl across from her.

"Oh! Um yeah-yeah yeah sure why not" Hazel quickly replied just in case the girl across from her suddenly decided she didn't want to get cotton candy anymore.

" Ok!" Anastasia said happily with a big smile on her face "let's go!"

After practically begging Anastasia to pay for the cotton candy Hazel and Anastasia found a random bench to sit at.

"Let me see your phone for a sec" The brown eyed girl said after a beat of silence.

"Okay yeah sure here" Hazel passed her phone to Anastasia  with a smile but also silently wondering why Anastasia needed her phone.

"Here's my number I owe you for the cotton candy" Anastasia said while typing her number into the blue eyed girls' phone.


Later that night Anastasia was at home about to go to bed once she realized she got a message or multiple messages actually that made her smile at her phone the moment she realized who it was from.

don't forget you own me for the popcorn ;)
I meant you owe me for the popcorn
Not you own me you don't own me
Sorry I didn't mean to blow up your phone
I'll see you tomorrow?

Ana sent back something that would let Hazel knows she understands her.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     See you tomorrow Hazel :)

And that was it once she sent it she put her phone on the charger, got into bed and fell asleep thinking about the blue eyed girl.

So!that's it for the first chapter I'm so excited for you all to see more of my new oc Anastasia Newton. Hope you enjoyed next chapter will come out soo

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