26 | in the middle of finding out

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"Sasha tried to wake you up bc you were talking in your sleep but you wouldn't budge. Then apparently you started saying my name and she came to get," Jean explained.

Sasha, always my savior, Y/n thought. How did she always know to get Jean when in distress?

"Where is she?" Y/n asked, still leaning on his shoulder, her arms still wrapped loosely around his lower back. If she could, she would've stayed like that forever.

"In my room. She and Connie are probably asleep again," Jean said. His hand rubbed up and down her spine. She wanted to sleep again. "Sasha said she doesn't mind if we switch for the night."

"That's nice of her," Y/n mumbled, her eyes drooping. "Will you stay with me?"

"Yeah, sure. Move over."

That, too, was something they would do as children. They didn't cuddle back then, but it was soothing just knowing he was there next to her, ready to chase the bad dreams away.

What would she do without him, really?


''Just try not to swipe some of this food, Sasha,'' Jean said as he, Sasha and Armin brought in the newly-arrived rations. Y/n walked quietly behind all of them, also carrying a box and trying her best to escape Jean's watchful eye. He still hadn't noticed her yet, which was good. ''I'll have Captain Levi turn you into mincemeat if you do.''

''I won't!'' Sasha argued as the four entered the house. ''Unless . . .''

''What was that?'' Jean called as he placed the two bags he was carrying down. He then looked back, his eyes falling right on Y/n. The girl froze under his gaze, caught in her act. ''Hey! The hell are you doing? Give me that!'' Jean quickly swiped the box from her hands and placed it down. ''You're supposed to be taking it easy!''

''I'm fine! You don't need to keep treating me like a child!'' Y/n scoffed, moving her shoulder a few times. ''It doesn't even hurt anymore!'' Well, it was a little sore, but Jean didn't need to know that.

''Hey! Did you guys clean your shoes before you came in?'' Eren suddenly called — Y/n couldn't help but laugh at the two cloths wrapped around his face.

''What?'' Jean looked back at him. ''No way. How could we clean our shoes while carrying all this?''

Y/n's eyes fell on Sasha as she moved over with her crate. She quirked an eyebrow and followed the brunette as Eren continued scolding Jean. ''What do you think Captain Levi would have to say about that attitude? If I hadn't tucked in your sheets in the morning . . .''

''Would you give it a rest?'' Jean yelled at him. ''What are you, my mom!?"

Y/n peered over Sasha's shoulder, seeing her eyeing the buns. ''You know, if we split, I won't tell.''

Sasha gave her a grin and whispered. ''You got it!''

''We're back,'' Mikasa spoke and Y/n looked back, seeing her with Christa — Historia, right — carrying firewood and an axe.

''Wait, why were you chopping firewood?'' Armin asked.

Y/n turned back to Sasha. ''They're distracted, hurry up!''

''I don't want to get rusty,'' Mikasa explained.

''You were injured by a Titan! You should still be in bed!'' Armin fussed over her.

Jean took the opportunity. ''You hear that, Y/n? That counts for you, too!''

Y/n looked at him and rolled her eyes. ''I'm not doing anything too bad, Jean-Bo!''

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang