Farrah's eyes grew wide. Just spending this time with her mother was good enough for her. "Open it," Eirin said.

Farrah unwrapped the light green satin cloth covering the present. She could feel that it was hard and made of metal. Underneath that cloth was another cloth of a brilliant white satin. As ran her fingers over it, feeling both the smoothness of the satin and the firm curves of the object underneath. She smiled then unwrapped the final piece of cloth to reveal a bracelet of silver with a ruby set in its center bordered by an amethyst on both sides. Each stone was framed by intricate floral engravings ending half way down the sides of the bracelet. "This was...your mother's...," Farrah said looking up at her mother.

"It was. And, her mother's mother's, and her mother's mother's mother's. It's been handed down to the women of our family for generations when they come of age." Eirin placed the bracelet on her daughter's left wrist. She smiled "It looks good on you. The ruby represents the fire that burns in the hearts of all women. And, also our red hair" Eirin said as she flipped her hair with a smile.

"The green represents the earth and nature. It borders the ruby because we are of the earth and are the most like nature, in that we bring forth life. Never forget the strength and responsibility that comes with being a woman. No matter what some men may say," Eirin said as she ran the back of her hand against her daughter's cheek. "And, know that no matter where you go you carry a piece of me and the rest of our family with you in this bracelet".

"I..." Farrah rubbed her eye, "Thank you." Farrah squeezed Eirin tightly. "Can we stay here, like this forever momma? I don't want to see you sick anymore. I miss you."

"I can't promise you that my love. But, you have me all to yourself until dinner this evening." Eirin replied as she kissed her forehead and stroked her daughter dark red hair.

As the evening approached Caelen joined them for dinner in the hall. What would have been a big banquet, was kept small, with only a few close and trusted lords and family members present. Caelen had the cooks prepare a dish of quail, Eirin's favorite, since she seemed to be feeling better, he wanted her to enjoy a delicious meal. The dinner went off without incident. Farrah was celebrated for becoming a woman in the eyes of the kingdom. She received many gifts, but the only one that really mattered to her was her mother being there to hug her and kiss her after she performed the rites for the ceremony. She had been practicing for months, and she wanted nothing more than for her mother to be there to see her perform the dance of passage before the gods.

As the evening ended King Caelen thank everybody for coming and politely ended the evening. He was worried about the strain on Eirin. Caelen found Farrah asleep in the corner of the dinning hall leaning up against his grandfathers suit of armor. He picked her up gently, motioned to Eirin, and they walked together for the first time in many years as a family.

They placed Farrah into her bed, Caelen pulled a blanket over her and Eirin kissed her on the forehead. She woke up for a moment, disoriented, but smiling. It had been so long since she had seen them together like that. She closed her eyes again and fell back to sleep. Caelen and Eirin walked to their chambers talking about the day. Eirin slipped her hand into his as they walked and nuzzled herself close to him, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked. When they got to their chambers, she kissed him. He pulled her close to him and kissed her back.

She began to undress him slowly. He followed suit, kissing her body as he removed each piece of clothing from her. He ran is hands up her bare skin. She was warm. She kissed him and began walking him backwards toward the bed. She pushed him on to it, and climbed on top of him placing him inside her. She leaned forward and kissed him, as she began to move her body up and down on him. He placed his hand on the top of her butt as she moved faster. She coughed. But, kept going. Caelen movies his hand up her back. She coughed again. Harder. Caelen could feel her skin begin to cool and turn clammy. He picked her up, pulled himself out of her and laid her onto the bed. She continued to cough, this time blood dripped from the corners of her mouth. He propped her head up on a pillow, shouting for the Emerald Sister.

Tales From The Emerald Isles: Hope ChestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora