1.Help me

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The first day of college was like any other day for Jude, go to classes and try to be invisible. For the first half of the semester it worked out pretty well, Jude went unnoticed until the night he met Connor Stevens. Jude was in his dorm studying when he heard a huge thump from outside, normally Jude would dismiss it but then he heard a cry of pain and got up to go investigate. He opened his door to find a boy on the ground holding his stomach in pain. Jude walked up to him and touched his shoulder ," Do you need some help?" Jude asked concerned. Jude got a moan in response and concluded that he should probably take him back to his dorm and let him puke or something. Jude then threw the boys arm over his shoulder and dragged him to the bathroom with in his dorm. The boy puked for about five minutes before he ended up falling asleep. Jude then dragged the boy to his bed and let him sleep while he put the waste basket against the bed in case the boy puked again. He then resumed studying. It was about 8 o'clock when the boy woke up he looked at his surroundings and saw another boy in the room who was reading a textbook and was surrounded by papers and notebooks. Jude looked up from his science book when he heard the sound of blankets ruffling, he was greeted with a blonde haired boy with hazel eyes whom seemed very confused he then looked at Jude and said, "Hi I'm Connor Stevens". Needless to say after this moment Jude's life would never be the same.

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