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Anntonia Porsild POV

After that Mexico tour, I tried to forget the things that happened there, I tried to forget the moments we had in El Salvador, but it's hard to forget the happiest version of you, the happiest thing that happened to me this year.

I tried spending a lot of time with Irfan, which I also enjoyed, we always went to dinner outside, traveled, played games, and everything, I am happy, as I would love to think about. Irfan has always been there for me, my highs and lows he's there, like I just said I am happy with him, I am happy being with him.
But deep inside, I know there is something missing.

It's been 3 years since I met Michelle Dee, and in those 3 years I have never been as happy as I tried to be, I guess I haven't moved on from her. Me and Irfan are still in a relationship we've come this far. Irfan loves me and I love him.

"Babe, are you ready to go?" Irfan said
"Yes babe, coming"

Me and Irfan are going on a date to a fancy restaurant which I'm pretty excited about.

He opened the door for me, went inside his car, and sat pretty on the car seat. He drove softly when I noticed this was not the way to the fancy restaurant that we were supposed to go.

"Where are we heading, I thought we were going to the restaurant?" I asked
"Chill babe, we're going somewhere more the best"

Oh a garden dinner, he prepared a garden dinner for us.

"Woah, this is beautiful Irfan"
"Yeah, beautiful as you"
Pfft, that is so cheezy

We started eating our dinner with the soft beautiful song that was playing in the background. In the middle of the dinner, Irfan said something.

"Anntonia, we've been together for almost 8 years, this is the best relationship I had in my life and I wanna spend more time together with you, only you" As he was saying that he was holding my hands, he slowly went to me, knelt and, got something from his pocket.

"Anntonia Porsild will you marry me?"

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