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Anntonia Porsild POV

I can't believe what just happened, I really want Michelle but, I don't wanna hurt Irfan, I know I broke Michelle's heart but I don't know what to do.

After we confessed to each other last night, I cried in bed, thinking it is right to let go of her?

I woke up a little earlier than her, when I saw her waking up, I immediately made her coffee

"Good Morning" I greeted her

While making that coffee I have a lot of thoughts inside my head
Did I really do right thing?

We both looked miserable after last night you just know that something happened before sleeping but still pretty of course.

Saying goodbye to her is the hardest part, harder than rejecting her.

Saying goodbye to her is like saying goodbye to my heart, I love her so much, I really wished that we met in different times or maybe different universe cuz for sure, I'm gonna choose her, but no, we met this time. The time I did spend with her for the last week's are the best weeks of my life, meeting her is already the best but spending time with her sleep with her were the greatest.

But I guess this is how our story ends.

it was nice meeting you Michelle Dee

At The Right Moment Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon