Spinelli's Escape

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A/N: This is just another filler thing while I'm updating everything else. I got sucked into watching the old Disney cartoon, Recess, and one of my favorite episodes is "First Name Ashley". But since it's Spinelli we're talking about along with the rest of the gang, I think she could have gotten out of it a lot sooner than she did. So...without further adieu...my take on how Spinelli could have escaped.

TJ, the gang, and I were playing teatherball on the blacktop in order to keep our minds off of the whole Randall incident. He just had to reveal to everyone that my first name was Ashley. ASHLEY. Of all the names I could've had, it had to be Ashley.

Ooh, I'm gonna get that little worm for telling everyone my name. How did he even get a hold of my files? I thought to myself.  

It was me against TJ and I was just about to win when we noticed the Ashleys started walking up to us.

"Guys, I got a bad feeling about this," I mumbled.

"It's okay Spinelli, we got your back," TJ mumbled back.

Ashley A took a step forward, and so did I. "What do you want?"

The Ashley's looked at each before Ashley A spoke. "I, Ashley A, invite you, Ashley S, to be our new sister."

I tensed up a little bit, but couldn't show it, so I scoffed. "Yeah right. Send in the clowns powder puff."

"Actually Ashley S," Ashley B spoke, "you don't, like, have a choice."

"Like...what?" It couldn't be happening. It couldn't be.

They hate you Spinelli. This is probably just some cruel joke. I thought to myself. I had to keep reassuring myself.

Ashley T handed Ashley A a scroll. Uh-oh. What does the constitution say now?

"According to the Constitution of the Playground, Rule 5, Article 3, under 'Cliques', and I quote," I started to get more nervous as Ashley A continued, "'Any kid named Ashley must become a member of the Ashleys if invited by another Ashley.'"

Who the heck made this rule?! WHEN did this become a rule?! "But, that can't be right!"

Gretchen took a look at it. "I'm afraid it is Spinelli. It's an obscure, rarely used rule, but it's here."

No. No, this can't be happening. I slowly started backing up.

"So I guess it's like official," Ashley A stated, "You're one of us."

"One of us. One of us." The other Ashleys chanted.

My breathing started to hitch. I didn't want to become an Ashley. There was no way I'd survive. I looked over to TJ, who put his hand on my shoulder. We shared a look. He knew exactly what I was thinking. We nodded and notified the others as well before I turned back around. I took a deep breath.

"Alright Ashleys, I'll join your little club," they looked accomplished and prideful, but then I smirked, "right," I took a step back, "after," another step, "we..." I took one last step and paused. "RUN!" With that, all 6 of us took off and headed towards the school.

"Hey!" I heard Ashley A call and their footsteps chasing after us, mainly me.

We burst through the school doors.

"This way," TJ said as we went down the left hall, where the bathrooms were. Two of the 5th grade girls that help the Ashleys were in our path. We skidded to a stop and went down another left hallway. We ended up going around that area before we got to the Girls bathroom.

"Go! Go!" Vince directed holding the door open for me and Gretchen before quickly shutting it. Gretch and I looked around.

There's got to be a way out of here. I looked up. Bingo!

I tapped Gretchen on the shoulder and pointed towards the ceiling. She nodded and pushed the vent covering up. I gave her a boost as she pulled herself up and inside.

"Get out of the way, losers," I heard Ashley Q say outside the door.

"No way Ashleys. We're not letting you take Spinelli," Mikey said.

I looked up and saw Gretchen hanging her hand out to me, which I gladly took as she pulled me up and inside.

We quickly put the covering, and just in time. The Ashleys opened the door and walked inside.

A/N: And that's where I'm going to leave it! I know it's somewhat short, so if you guys want me to continue OR if you want me to post another possible version of what went down, please leave a comment. Don't forget to vote! Bye!

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