A Garden of Love

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The day unfolded with a gentle breeze, and the sun cast a warm glow over the city of Liverpool. Dominik, with a heart full of intention, arrived at Minty's apartment to pick her up. He smiled as Minty emerged, a vision of casual elegance.

She wore a brown flannel paired with a white tube top, black cargos, and her signature glasses. Her hair, curled effortlessly, framed her face, which bore a natural glow with a touch of lipstick. Dominik couldn't help but admire her effortless beauty.

"Wow, Minty, you look amazing," he complimented, a twinkle of admiration in his eyes.

Minty grinned in response. "Thanks, Dom. Where are we headed?"

Dominik, with a playful glint in his eye, replied, "It's a surprise. Close your eyes, Minty."

As Minty obediently closed her eyes, Dominik guided her to his car. They drove for a short while, the anticipation building in the air. Eventually, they arrived at a tranquil rose garden. Dominik parked the car and walked Minty into the heart of the garden.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," he said.

As Minty opened her eyes, she found herself surrounded by the vibrant colors and sweet fragrances of blooming roses. In the center of the garden was a carefully set-up picnic, complete with a blanket, cushions, and an array of delicious treats.

But what caught Minty's attention was a book placed in the middle of the blanket. "This Girl" by Colleen Hoover, one of her favorites. Dominik took her hand and led her to the book.

"Open it," he urged.

As Minty flipped through the pages, she found sections of the book where words were highlighted. Each highlighted passage was a confession of Dominik's love for her, a sentiment carefully chosen from the pages of the novel. He had taken the time to read the book, extracting words that mirrored his feelings.

Touched by the thoughtful gesture, Minty looked up at Dominik, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and gratitude.

"I love every page of you, Minty," Dominik confessed, his voice carrying a depth of sincerity. "And I thought a garden of roses would be the perfect place to express it."

They settled into the picnic setup, surrounded by the beauty of blooming roses and the echoes of confessions captured within the pages of a beloved book. The snowy streets of Liverpool might have given way to the blossoming gardens, but the love between Minty and Dominik continued to evolve, unfurling like the petals of a rose, vibrant and full of promise.

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