Part 12 - Home is where the Heart is

Start from the beginning


I follow Hermione's instructions and I began reading the page. Apparently many witches and wizards believe that some sort of lost ancient magic flows through everything naturally. Even in the air we breathe. Is Hermione right could this be a way of finding more glyphs. I shut the book and began thinking about what I just read. When I looked at the clock I noticed that the last lesson ended an hour ago. I grabbed my stuff and began making my way to the common room. I said the password and the portrait swung open. I walk in and I felt a ton of eyes find there way to me. I just ignored them and made my way to my dorm. I opened the door and dumped all my stuff including the sweets on my bed. I turned around and I was instantly tackled with a hug.

"Omg you are awake." Mione said. "I was just about to head to the hospital wing to go see you. And Harry obviously. When did you wake up?"

"I woke up at some point during lunch I think." I said as we sat on my bed.

"So not that long ago. I took the liberty of starting to pack your stuff into your trunk for you because I didn't know when you were going to wake up and I thought this way you don't have to stress." Hermione said.

"Thanks Mione. I'm going to change quickly because I am still in the clothes from last night and they are torn and stained with blood." I said as I got up to get some clothes from my trunk.

"Ok." Hermione said. I took my school clothes to the bathroom with me. "What's the betting that Harry will see you carrying your trunk down and will immediately start begging you to let him carry it for you and won't take no for an answer."

"Don't even joke about that Mione. I don't even know why he did that at Christmas." I said as I walked out of the bathroom. "Oh and by the way I tried the controlling what the light glyph does theory while me and Harry were facing Quirrel and Voldemort and you were correct. I made a flash of light."

"I can't wait to find out more about your magic. Any way dinner is soon." Mione said as she stood up to head down to dinner.

~Time skip~

Nothing very interesting has happened so far Today. We don't have any lessons today because it's the last day of school. Me and Mione spent the day on the common room sofa because we had completely finished packing last night. Ron however was running around the common room and his dorm looking for a jumper that his mum sent him on Christmas. Apparently she wants to take a picture of the entire family in there jumpers. Apparently she will get angry if they lose them and apparently she is scary when she is angry.

It was almost time for the End of Year Feast. Ron had finally found his jumper and after he packed it in his trunk we began making our way down the stairs towards the great hall. Ron and Hermione argued the entire way down. It was driving me nuts. We stopped on the stairs to sort out the argument. It was so stupidly dumb. They were arguing over whether potions or transfiguration was better. They ended up agreeing that charms was the best. We turned our heads and looked down and saw that Harry was awake and walking around.

"Alright there Ron?" Harry asked as he was smiling up at us.

"Alright. You?" Ron asked.

"Alright." Harry said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Hermione?"

"Never better." Mione said.

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now