Part 11 - Two faced

Start from the beginning

"I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup." I said knowing I was completely lying through my teeth.

"He lies." The raspy voice had returned.

Yn's POV:

After Harry had refused to help Quirrell, I felt something weird pull at me. I tried to resist but it was futile. I began floating towards Quirrell. I didn't want to be anywhere near him. Once I had reached Quirrell, he wrapped his left arm around my throat and it struggled to breathe for second.

"Fine. Fine. Just don't hurt her." Harry said as he made his way over to the mirror. What was he doing? I mean, I've already been injured tonight.

Harry began to look into the mirror and then he began to smile slightly and his cheeks were slightly pink. I looked into the mirror to try and see what he was seeing. That's when my reflection wasn't mimicking my movements. My reflection began doing its own thing. It held up a finger to its mouth as if to tell me to not tell anyone something. It reached into its cardigan pocket and pulled out a shiny red stone. I moved my hand towards the same pocket. I run my fingers lightly over the pocket and I felt a lump. It was impossible. The only thing I keep in that pocket are little pieces of paper with the light glyph symbol on, just in case I need to use it at a moment's notice. I decided to stay quiet.

I had completely ignored what Harry had told Quirrell but I was brought out of my thoughts by the mysterious raspy voice.

"He lies." The raspy voice said.

"Tell the truth. What do you see?" Quirrell yelled and started tightening his arm.

"Let me speak to him." The raspy voice said.

"Master, you are not strong enough." Quirrell said.

"I have strength enough for this." The raspy voice continued. Quirrell began unwrapping the turban on his head one handed while his other arm remained around my neck. Once he took the turban off, he revealed that there was another face on the back of his head. It looked really ugly. "Harry Potter. We meet again."

"Voldemort." Harry wispered.

"Yes, you see what I have become. See what I must do to survive. Live off another. A mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it can not give me a body of my own. But there is something that can. Something that you are hidding." Voldemort said in his raspy voice. Like honestly, does he need a throat sweet.

"Harry run. Go get help." I said to his with a stern look on my face.

"No im not going to leave you." Harry said getting ready to fight Quirrell and Voldemort.

"Harry I'll be fine. Just go." I said.

"But" he tried to argue back but I cut him off.

"GO!" I yelled. He looked at me for a second and then did as I said and began to make his way up the stairs.

"Stop him." Voldemort yelled. Quirrell snapped his fingers and a wall of fire spread around the room. It blocked the exit for Harry to leave. "Don't be a fool. Why suffer an horrific death, when you can join me and live?"

"Never!" Harry yells at him. Voldemort started laughing.

"Bravery. Your parents had it too when they were face to face with me. Tell me Harry, would you like to protect your mother and farther forever, just like they protected you? Together, we can keep them safe. Together, we can ensure no harm comes their way. You can have a happy life with your parents and your little sister. All I ask is for something in return." Voldemort said as Quirrell's hand quickly covered my mouth before I could even say anything against him. Harry did not budge. "There is no good or evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone."

"You liar." Harry yelled.

"Kill him." Voldemort yelled. Quirrell flew through the air towards Harry. While in mid-air, he threw me to the side and I landed on my back on the stairs. Quirrell began strangling Harry while I was groaning in pain. All of a sudden, the stone rolled out of my pocket and half way down the stairs. Both Quirrell and Harry look at me and then the stone. They began scraping to reach the stone first. I got up and realised that the stone wasn't in my pocket. I find the stone and began running down to it. Quirrell stuck out his foot and I tripped over it. I began tumbling down the stairs but I did manage to grab the stone. I got off the floor and stood my ground. I look at Quirrell and Harry to see Harry being strangled again. I have no idea what happened but smoke was starting to rise into the air but there was no fire close enough to them. I had to help Harry somehow but what can I do? I got an idea that should work.

"Oy. Two face." I yelled. Quirrell turned to me and just as his head turns I use a light glyph to make a flash of light and blind him. Quirrell removed his hands to cover his eyes. Out of nowhere, he stuck his hand out and sent me flying across the room. I accidentally dropped the stone on the floor when I started flying. I ended up hitting the back of my head on a pillar and it started bleeding. I then blacked out.

Harry's POV:

I have no idea where that flash of light came from but it made Quirrel remove his hands from my throat. I saw something fly across the room and then saw that it was Yn and her eyes were closed. This made my blood boil hotter than ever before. I didn't even know it was possible to get this angry but I was. I ran at Quirrell and I put my hands on him. I had not long ago learned that for some strange reason when I touch him it burns him. He begins screaming in pain.

"What is this magic?" Quirrel said backing up.

"Fool, get the stone." Voldemort said. He began running towards the stone but I stopped him by putting my hands on his face. He began screaming again. He began to crisp up and turn to dust. He tried to make his way forward but he just dropped to the floor turning into a pile of dust. The only things left were his clothes.

I noticed that the stone was not far from my feet. I walked over to it and picked it up. I stood up and my attention was drawn away from the stone and towards Yn who was still knocked out. I began making my way towards her before I heard a rustling behind me. I turn around and something passes through me. I have no idea what it was but all I remember was falling to the ground and my sight still set on Yn. I then passed out.

Any-gays sorry the chapter is late. I can't stop getting distracted by random things. As always let me know what you think about the chapter. Let me know any ideas you might have or just don't be afraid to comment when you like something.

Any-gays don't be afraid to ask a question about me or the book. See you soon my little nifflers.


Word count: 1953 words

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now