//Dance with me (💘)//

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(I'AM SO SORRY I STILL HAVE NO CLUE ON HOW TO PROGRESS THAT REQUEST../ALSO UM, THIS WAS INSPIRED BY A RANDOM PIC I SAW ON PINTEREST<3 THE PICTURE WILL BE IN THE ONESHOT BEFORE I START IT) Hello Everyone! I honestly owe a HUGE thank you to everyone who reads this. No, obviously, this isn't the last one shot I will be writing here! But, I need to say thank you to everyone in the last one shot. So, if you didn't know, I vented a little in the last one shot.. AND GOD, YOU GUYS COMFORTED ME SOO WELL<33 I was so happy reading everyone's comments, and I feel sm better now. I'm so sorry for those small replies</3 I just didn't know how to reply because of how kind you guys were. You guys are such kind strangers, and even though I don't know any of you, ily/p. <3333333333 words can't express just how kind you guys were, and just how happy you guys made me. 🩷🩷🩷

(This is the pic-)

Nobody's POV:Kaveh and Alhaitham were big fans of each other

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Nobody's POV:
Kaveh and Alhaitham were big fans of each other. Kaveh was a male dancer. (NO NOT A STR!PP3R 😭 A DANCER LIKE NILOU) Kaveh could twist and turn his arms and legs in such a beautiful manner, that it would make everyone smile. He was a new member of Zubayr theater, and everyone on stage really liked him. He would perform dances along with a few other members of the cast, or by himself.

And Alhaitham was a violin player, who was apart of a famous orchestra, who lived in Sumeru, and also were apart of Zubayr theater. Alhaitham was a great violin player, and created the most beautiful music from just a violin. He knew just how to make everyone believe in magic.

And of course, both of them were really fond of each other's work. Sure, they lived together, but they were still hopelessly deep in love. But, one day, when they came back home.. somethings just so happened to change. Kaveh hugged Alhaitham in his pretty red-ish pink outfit. There were pretty strings with beads everywhere, and they were wrapping around Alhaitham. He couldn't resist Kaveh's beauty.

"You were enchanting today, Haitham!" Kaveh said sweetly, smiling at Alhaitham, putting Alhaitham into a trance. "You were enchanting today, too, Kaveh.." Alhaitham looked away to the side, trying not to stare at Kaveh. Kaveh looked just like a painting. A beautiful, pretty, and gorgeous looking painting. Alhaitham always blushed whenever Kaveh was around.

"You're.. really pretty." The both of them said at the same time, clearly trying to flirt with the latter. They both stared at each other in surprise, and giggled. "Well, I suppose you and I share the same opinion." Kaveh said, holding Alhaitham's shoulder's, smiling. Both of them blushed a little.

Suddenly, they were getting closer and closer to each other. All of a sudden, their noses were touching, and so were their foreheads. Both of them smiled at each other's faces, and blushed even harder. "I want to see you smile more.." Kaveh muttered, losing his smile, making him seem more serious. "Kaveh..."

Kaveh took in a deep breath, and opened his eyes with a sweet look in his eyes. Alhaitham wrapped his arms around a little tighter around Kaveh's waist, in which there was a little clearing where he could feel Kaveh's skin. Kaveh blushed more. Way more than Alhaitham did. "'I wanna be yours.." Kaveh told Alhaitham, clearly stating what he truly wanted.

Alhaitham smiled for once. Kaveh looked away. He really couldn't resist his beauty. Alhaitham turned Kaveh's chin toward his face, and moved closer to him. "'I love you.." Alhaitham's voice was husky but, was also laced with happiness and love. But, to Kaveh, it was so hot, yet made Alhaitham so cute. It made him turn red. "'Pretty.. so pretty.." Alhaitham thought, staring at Kaveh's lips.

"'I.. lo-love you too... please, please.. I want you to.. kiss me.." Kaveh said, his own voice sounding just a bit husky now. He mumbled those last two words, but Alhaitham had heard the word kiss. "You.. you want me to.. ki-k-ki..kiss you..?" Alhaitham sounded so adorable to Kaveh, even if Alhaitham was supposed to be a hot and muscular man.

Kaveh looked away, more blush on his face. Kaveh nodded quietly, slowly losing all of his confidence. Alhaitham shifted his hand to Kaveh's hair, and played around with it. Ruffling it, and slipping his fingers through Kaveh's hair. Alhaitham stepped closer, and even closer. And now, he was so close that they could move by just half a centimeter, and they would kiss. Kaveh wrapped his arms around Alhaitham's neck, waiting.

Alhaitham closed his eyes, Kaveh following suit. Alhaitham moved that one half centimeter. Their lips were finally touching. "Mmmh..." both of them fell into the kiss. It felt like they were the only two people in the world, that time had stopped just for them. It felt like magic had erupted from their lips, and the magic was applying onto the two.

They both let go after what was actually a minute, but to them felt like 10 hours. "More.. kisses, please more.." Kaveh whispered, and Alhaitham didn't need to be told twice. "Mmph!!-" Kaveh yelped, extremely surprised.
Kiss, after kiss, after kiss. It felt amazing to the both of them. Love was spreading through each kiss, they loved each other so much that they couldn't let go. (NO THIS ISNT SEXUAL 😭) "'I love you.." Kaveh whispered between kisses. "'I love you more.." Alhaitham whispered back, in between multiple long kisses.

After more kisses, they finally let go. Kaveh jumped into Alhaitham's arms, still not tired of being in Alhaitham's warm arms. "Hayiiii!! please, be my boyfriend!" Kaveh said, shoving Alhaitham's shoulder with a grateful and happy smile. "'Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Of course I'll be your boyfriend!" Alhaitham said, hugging Kaveh tightly, love and happiness coursing through his voice.

Kaveh laughed, and held him tight and giggled. "I love you, I love you!!" Kaveh repeated, blushing even more than he was before. "I love you more..." Alhaitham smiled, holding Kaveh with love and gently touching his hair. This felt just like a dream to both of them. "Dance with me again.." Kaveh asked kissing Alhaitham's neck. "Fine, but, give me a few more kisses before?" Kaveh laughed, very happily. "Gladly."

~Kaveh x Alhaitham one shots~Where stories live. Discover now