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Hello readers! I'm sorry for being gone for so long, things have been hectic as of recently with school and personal life so I haven't gotten much chance to write much (+writer's block). I've also made the recent decision to update the aesthetics of "Blessing of God", meaning new introduction + a visual of the prologue and some other minor changes. Meaning the next chapter won't be out for at least another week or two. I wanted to write this for a quick update for the book because I don't think I'll be gone for so long (again).

Here's some fun facts about the twins for this au (+ a bit of spoilers):
- Athanasia has a preference for sweet things while Aziel doesn't really have a preference but has grown to like sweet things more over the pass years
- Athy has a violent streak (who would've guessed) and is actually pretty scary when angry
- Ziel has a resting bitch face (much like Claude) so he looks scary but is pretty soft (only for people he can trust)
- Ziel's the introvert, Athy's the extrovert(with social anxiety)
- Both twins see Lillian as their mom (Lily will have more scenes soon...no promises)
- Ziel has weird dreams ever since his past lives but he could never remember them but always remember crying when waking up. And so does Athy but her dreams are much more vague and blurry compared to Ziel's
- Ziel had a twin sister in his past life but she was kidnapped when they were born so they never knew what happened to her
- Athy's eyes (according to Ziel) is pink, but neither of them knows why (she suspect he's color blind but they'll never know)
- Ziel is overly protective of Athy due to some stuff in his past life
- Ziel has a fear of large body of waters (he doesn't know why) and ever since the boat accident, Athy has also been hesitant around large body of water but she's slowly getting over it
- Athy is actually pretty good at singing and Ziel likes to listen (he finds it familiar and soothing)
- Ziel hates the color green, not that he remembers why, he just does
- Aziel is very manipulative he's a more morally grey character than what is portrayed because chapters are mostly from Athanasia's point of view (his manipulative side won't really show until they're older and the point of view shifts more towards Aziel)
- Athy hates bland and bitter food, it reminds her too much of the past
- Ziel is a good cook but a horrible baker while Athy is a good baker but a horrible chef. And neither of them have a sense of direction (Athy more so than Ziel)
- Athy prefers lighter color clothes while Ziel prefers darker colors but they like matching with one another so they switch between the two
- Ziel has trust issues while Athy desperately wants friends
- Both twins like to play with each other's hair
- Ziel's hair is similar to a short wolfcut right now but it'll grow past his shoulders in the future

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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