Just A Bit of Banter (smut)

Start from the beginning

"Harry this is the only nice shirt I brought," Louis whispered in between kisses, trying to seem stern when he honestly could care less.

"It's a T-Shirt." Harry deadpanned, breathlessly, pulling up for a minute to look Louis in the eyes.

"And? It's a nice T-Shirt! I don't have anything else to-" Harry leaned back down and kissed him to shut him up.

"Well that's too bad, cause I may end up ripping it off you," Harry said kissing Louis again before bumping their crotches together. Harry feeling Louis was definitely as excited as he was.

"You have to let me borrow one of yours if you do, deal?" Louis bargained.

"Deal. Now please, just stop talking."

Harry kissed him a few more times and began to move lower when Louis pressed a hand to his chest to stop him.

"Hang on. Since when have you ever been top?" Louis quizzed in almost a whisper.

"Since today," Harry said, glancing up at him with an utmost intimidating look before Louis complied and shut his mouth.

Meanwhile Niall and Liam just got back to the main room to find the two love birds gone.

Which is never a good sign...for them at least.

Niall and Liam both gave each other the same knowing look before reluctantly sitting back down on the couch and trying to not think about it.

"I'm sure they just did the same thing we did. Went to get dressed togeth-" Niall was cut off by the unmistakable groan coming from the end of the hallway.

The love birds had gotten better about being quiet after multiple complaints from the other two, but every once in a while it's just one of those days.

And just to Liam and Niall's luck today was one of them.

Another groan, although more moan then groan, came from the bedroom, Liam fumbling to grab the remote.

"Should we find another show to watch?" He asked, turning to Niall who was staring at the blank screen and fervently shaking his head yes.

Look, they're mature. They've done it multiple times before with a girl they picked up at the bar or whatever, probably also traumatizing the love birds, but when it's two of their band brothers, and they KNOW it's two of their bandmates, they get a little on edge.

Eventually Niall and Liam just returned to their bedroom after turning the TV up did nothing to muffle the noise from down the hallway.

However Harry and Louis were having the time of their life.

It hadn't even been very long since their last getting off and they were literally going to be in a hotel after this pop up show but Harry just snapped.

He needed Louis and he needed him now.

The time the boys needed to be inside was 7, they were right outside the venue and Liam and Niall were on their phones waiting for the dreaded 6:45 to appear on their phones.

Eventually Liam looked at the time, showed Niall the time, and they both just stared at each other.

"I'm not doing it," Niall stated, before Liam even had a chance to ask the question.

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