Just A Bit of Banter (smut)

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Today is one of the rare days within the band. One Direction had a pop up show in which their stylist was not able to be there to get them ready so they had to get ready themselves.

The four boys were sat on the couch in their bus, watching a random documentary on TV when Liam looked at his phone.

"5:30 lads. Should we get ready?" He asked, giving them all a questioning look.

"It's like 2 hours until the thing Liam," Louis deadpaned.

"Better to be early than late," Liam shrugged.

Louis rolled his eyes.

"I agree with Liam, this is a pop up event and we're privileged to be here. We can't be late." Niall chimed in.

"Thank you, Niall," Liam said, emphasizing his name and glancing at the two lovers on the couch.

"Matter a fact, I might come with you.  Just get us done quicker." Niall suggested.

"Oh yeah sure, I don't have a problem with that. We'll be back boys." Liam said before him and Niall went to their shared bunks on the bus.

Louis and Harry sat quiet on their phones for a good 20 minutes before Harry set his phone down and light squeezed Louis's thigh.

"We should probably go get ready too," he whispered, trying to keep himself tame.

We have to get ready, we have to get ready.

"Yeah alright. You want to go seperately or?" Louis said once he had stood up.

"Nah I'll come with you," Harry replied, getting up and walking with Louis to their bed at the other side of the bus.

To make more space Harry changed in their very small cramped en suite so Louis could have the equally cramped bedroom because both of them together would be a nightmare.

We have to get ready, we have to get ready. Harry kept repeating to himself.

However when Harry finished getting ready and walked in on Louis with no pants on, that logic went out the window.

Harry leaned on the doorframe for just a minute contemplating before walking towards Louis and kissing him till he could pin him on the bed because...well...we have time right?

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