Louis IBS

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Louis had been in a very deep peaceful sleep so when Harry got up he decided he would surprise him and make breakfast. He loved to cook for Louis. They had been busy touring and whatnot so there wasn't as much time for a meal with just the two of them, not much time for anything just the two of them, but now they have a two week break before the next cluster of shows.

He also loved listening to Louis curse and fight with the food whenever he tried to cook for Harry. Which Harry would end up just going in there and helping him.

Harry went with his marvelous fluffy strawberry waffles and a side of eggs and sausage obviously. Protein!

When all was said and done, the curtains in front of the little table open to reveal the city below and two plates filled with the amazing, honestly photo worthy breakfast, he was about to go wake up Louis since it had rolled around to 10 when he came downstairs.

He didn't look good at all.

Harry's face immediatly became one of concern as he watched the slightly older yet smaller boy walk up to the cupboard and get a glass out. No 'good mornings' yet, which is fair, Louis is certainly a 'don't talk to me until I've had my tea' kind of person.

His hair was disheveled slightly, white tank top showing off his tattoos and blanket marks marked his forearms so Harry knew he had slept well. But there was still something off with the atmosphere.

Louis' eyes were sunken and he was pale yet his cheeks were a rosy pink. He looked like he hadn't slept in three days. Not to mention the protective hand over his stomach.

Then, he did something Harry completely didn't expect. He walked over to the fridge and filled his cup with water. Seeing that, Harry thought Louis may not actually be sick, but something else.

And after Louis leaned against the counter, sipping the water cautiously and wincing when his stomach emitted a loud gurgle, Harry's hunch was confirmed.

"Well I had made a morning breakfast but I doubt your up for it."

Louis flinched. He was completely unaware that he wasn't the only one in the kitchen. His brain clouded with exhaustion and just trying to get something to settle his stomach.

"Yeah not feeling the best this morning. Got another...fucking flare-up."

Harry got up from his seat and came to wrap his arms around his love. Cautious of where his hands rested around the others stomach but burrying his face in the crook of his neck.

Louis melted into his touch. Before they were interupted by another gurgle.

"Aw love I'm so sorry." 

Louis shrugged, "I mean--it's not your fault. I'm just not used to this yet.  And I can't imagine what I ate."

"I know darling. We can figure that out later. How 'bout some toast, yeah? Something light?" Louis nodded and let go of his boyfriend.

He turned around and was slammed in the chest with guilt. There lie his plate of the cheffed up goodness that Harry had made.

"Wow haz, I--that looks fucking amazing."

Harry snickered at his curse, it always catches him off guard when Louis cusses.

"Aw Harry, I'm sorry. I really am. This looks...great and it sucks I can't eat it. I just don't want to-"

"No. Lou. You have nothing to appolagize for. When you feel bad you get an excuse to not eat my cooking." Harry spun around with a finger up, "that's the only time though."

Louis snickered at that before responding with "that's the only time I'd ever deny your cooking."

"Do you want anything for it?" Harry asked while they waited for the toast to pop up.

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