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June '01 | H E R

One thing Althea has not appreciated enough the last two months is the safety of countless rooms between her bed and the one of her husband's.

His smell is everywhere, his face a constant companion in her dreams, but up close in the soft morning glow, she is still not sick of it. They say a person's face is calmer when asleep, and they're not wrong.

He's angelic, and it's unfair.

Someone able to cause such heartbreak as she has felt in only a year shouldn't be reserved the right to look from the heavens.


She keeps her hand to herself.

If there was a spell to freeze time, she would employ it right this moment. Or stuff it in a snowglobe that she can replay whenever she needs to.

A moment this pure should be kept safe.


He has hugged the pillow when she woke up, so it's safe to say it was a wise choice putting it between them. She has scooted closer over night as well and she hasn't moved yet. His exhales feel too real on her arm, as though reminding her skin what he feels like, living alongside her.

It's been a while since she was able to inspect him so closely.

So what does it say about her that at the first sign of him stirring awake, she's locked in the bathroom?

Over half an hour, it takes to do her business as she gets progressively hyped for the day. When her stomach won't stop growling, she finally leaves her little oasis, only-Draco is standing in the doorway. His sleepy haze quickly wipes off as he eyes the towel wrapped around her chest.


"Can't decide wether I'm liking this stay more than last year or not."

I'm liking the morning voice.

"I'm having a far better time," she smiles, feeling the weight of his gaze on every inch of exposed skin.

Chuckling, he rubs his eyes tiredly while moving past her inside. "I bet."

After an indulgant quiet breakfast, the four of them apparate to the closest spot to the beach and walk the rest.

That is when she feels his hand slip into hers. For show, of course, to play their roles. But not for him, and with the way her heart is acting up, Althea can't say with full certainty not for her either.

"Remember when you would find excuses to not go to the beach," she recalls, simply to think of something else.

"Are you forreal?" Blaise catches up, shooting his friend a look.

"That's the top most best thing," Pansy, under her boyfriend's arm, gapes. "You didn't once go to the beach on your honeymoon?"

Not even a toe.

Draco's face gains color.

"Let me guess," Althea ventures while gazing at his face all knowingly. "You wouldn't let yourself see me half naked."

Lip twitching, his cheeks bloom pink. "For one, I didn't want you to think we went here only so I could see you half naked, and I didn't think I could handle you in a bikini-not even a full body suit."

That is so incredibly foolish that it is adorable.

"Think you can stand the sight now?"

He looks straight into her eyes yet captures everything. "You've somehow gotten more gorgeous, so I reckon a hard no."

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