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We zoom in on a book and it opens and colorful drawing appear inside of it and as we continue to read the pages in the book flip as the story progresses

Poppy: Once upon a time... In a happy forest, in the happiest tree... Lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known. The Trolls. They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug. Dance, and hug, and sing, and dance, and sing, and hug, and dance... And hug, and dance, and sing, and hug, and dance, and hug... But then one day, the Trolls were discovered by... A Bergen! The Bergens didn't know how to sing... Or dance... or even hug. They were the most miserable creatures in all the land. And once they saw how happy the Trolls were... They wanted some of that happiness for themselves. Eating a Troll made them feel so happy... They started a tradition. Once a year, every year... The Bergens would gather around the Troll tree... To taste happiness... On a holiday they called... Trollstice.

We make our way inside a castle and as we fly through the castle we see a little boy on a scooter going somewhere. He then jumps inside a room and falls on top of someone sleeping. He attempts to wake the man up and eventually has to pull out some of his chest hair to wake him up.

Gristle: Good morning, Daddy! Daddy, wake up! Daddy, wake up! Wake up! Wake up, Daddy! Wake up, Daddy. Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, wake up!

King: Gristle! What time is it?

Gristle: It's Trollstice!

King: Trollstice! Our one day to be happy.

Gristle: Yeah!

Burgens: Trolls! Trolls! Trolls! Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!

Chef: Please give it up for your keeper of the Trolls... Your minister of happiness... Your Royal Chef... Me. This is a very special Trollstice... As there is one amongst us who has never tasted a Troll.

Gristle: Me! She is talking about me!

Chef: Prince Gristle... The time has come.

King: It's okay, son. I remember being nervous my first time.

Gristle: Okay.

King: That's my boy.

Chef: It is my sacred duty... To initiate you in the ways of true happiness. I have chosen an extra-Special Troll, just for you. The happiest, the most positive... Sweetest Troll of all. And because every prince deserves a princess... I give you the one they call Princess Poppy.

Gristle: Please make me happy, Princess Poppy.

Chef: What are you feeling?

Gristle: That one's rotten!

Chef: It's fake?

Bergens: Fake?

King: Fake?

Gristle: They're gone?

King: Where are they?

Chef: Don't worry, sire. We'll find them.

Gristle: I think I hear something!

Troll King: Go! Go!

Trolls: We got Poppy!

Troll King: Pass her to me! Here comes Poppy!

Trolls: Here she is!

Troll King: There's my princess.

Poppy: Da-da.

Troll: King Peppy, some of the others can't keep up.

King Peppy: No Troll left behind!

Trolls: Thank you, King Peppy! Thank you, King Peppy! Thank you! Thank you, King Peppy.

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