Y/N: "You guessed it. A little annoying but it's done."

He hands him the request and the merchant took it then gave him his reward. The last request he took was about hunting a large dog that was around the village square and the chief's house.

Y/N: "With that out of the way, I need to upgrade this."

He showed him the shotgun and the merchant examined it.

Merchant: "Hmm, I can make a few more improvements, for the the right price of course."

Y/N: "Done."

He hands him the money he got from the villagers he killed at the house with Luis. After a few minutes have passed, the merchant returned the shotgun to Y/N.

Merchant: "All set, stranger."

Y/N: "Thank you very much. I'll see you later."

Merchant: "Come back anytime."

He turned to Ashley.

Y/N: "Alright, let's move on."

Ashley: "Right."

They head through a gate ahead and saw a few ganados patrolling around the area.

Y/N: "Looks like more of them ahead. Doesn't look they've seen us yet. Let's try to do this quietly."

Ashley: "Okay... I'll try."

Y/N: "You know what quiet means, right? That means no guns, no voices, no loud noise. Just stealth and silent kills. This may sound difficult but we must absolutely not fail- Screw it, we're going loud."

Ashley: "Hold on, what?"

He walked up to the first ganado then threw him on the ground then finished him off by shooting his head.

Ganado: "Los forastero! [The outsiders!]"

One of them raised the alarm and the ganados charge at the two. Y/N got out both of his pistols.

Y/N: "Let's do this!"

Ashley: "Are you insane?!"

Y/N: "YES!"

He fired both of his pistols and killed some ganados that were heading towards him. Two ganados that got close to him tried to strike him with their axes. Y/N countered by grabbing their weapons then slashed one of the ganados in the head. Y/N kicked the other one and sent him to a shack. 

Y/N shot the second ganado many times until he was killed. However, the first one was not killed yet as his head exploded and grown a tentacle out of it.

Y/N: "Hey! You stay dead!"

He threw a flash bang at him and it instantly killed the ganado. Y/N turned to the remaining ganados in the area then eventually killed the rest of them.

Y/N: "That wasn't too bad. Oh crap, that was my last flash bang. Now I have to find more."

Ashley came out of her hiding spot then joined up with Y/N.

Ashley: "Y/N, what were you thinking? That could have gone horribly wrong."

Y/N: "Hey, it worked out, didn't it?"

Ashely: "Yes but... Forget it. Can we keep moving?"

Y/N: "You read my mind. Let's go. Oh, and watch out for that bear trap there."

Ashley: "What bear trap-"

She looked down and saw that she was about to place her foot on it.

Ashley gasped then stepped away from it.

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