During a particularly enthusiastic rendition of a classic rock anthem, Shayla couldn't help but glance at Tom, who was nodding along to the music. The past felt like a distant echo, and she wondered if maybe it was time to let go of lingering discomfort.

As the last notes of the song faded away, Tom turned to Shayla with a grin. "You should join in! Karaoke's all about fun, right?"

"Yeah! Sing that new one you've been working on" Rachel piped in, eager for tom to hear the blatant song that was about him.

Caught off guard, Shayla hesitated. The memory of the premiere incident lingered, but another realization began to surface – a realization she wasn't quite ready to admit even to herself. "Sure, why not?"

Encouraged by the cheers of their friends, Shayla took to the stage. The spotlight illuminated her face and for a moment, the past seemed irrelevant.

Shayla couldn't help but smile, realizing that the apprehension she had carried for so long was fading away. The karaoke stage became a metaphorical bridge, connecting the past to the present, and perhaps, paving the way for something more.

"This is one i've been working on for a while, it's called 'King of my heart', I really hope you enjoy it," she spoke avoiding the British boys eager eyes on her.

The initial nerves transformed into a resolute determination as the first notes of the song filled the air. The lyrics took on a new significance for Shayla tonight.

She sang with a raw intensity, pouring her emotions into each word. The crowd hushed, captivated by the sincerity in her voice. However, in the midst of the performance, it became evident that Shayla wasn't just singing a song – she was baring her soul, and every lyric seemed to echo her unspoken feelings for Tom.

The chorus resonated through the room, and Shayla couldn't escape the vivid images flooding her mind – moments with Tom, shared laughter, and the subtle glances that lingered longer than they should. As the lyrics spoke of finding a love that would never depart, Shayla's gaze involuntarily sought out Tom in the crowd.

His eyes met hers, and for a fleeting moment, the world around them blurred. It was as if the song had woven an unspoken connection between them, revealing sentiments that had remained buried. Shayla's heart pounded in sync with the melody, and the weight of unspoken emotions hung thick in the air.

The bridge of the song arrived, and Shayla sang with an intensity that betrayed the unspoken truth she had been avoiding. The words echoed her sentiments, acknowledging a love she hadn't been ready to admit. The audience, now fully enraptured, could sense the emotional depth of the performance.

As the final notes lingered, Shayla took a deep breath, her eyes still locked with Tom's. The room erupted in applause, but in that moment, all she could hear was the pounding of her heart. She handed the microphone back, a mix of vulnerability and courage etched on her face.

The performance had become more than a mere karaoke song; it was a confession, a revelation of feelings that had been silently growing within Shayla's heart. Tom, too, seemed to grasp the unspoken message, a flicker of understanding in his eyes.

As the night continued, the air remained charged with an unspoken tension. Shayla and Tom found themselves drawn to each other, navigating the uncharted territory of emotions stirred by a simple karaoke performance. The song had laid bare the truth, and in its wake, Shayla couldn't ignore the undeniable connection she felt with Tom.

As the clock neared midnight and the karaoke bar began to wind down, Shayla and Tom shared a quiet moment. "That was quite a performance," Tom remarked, his eyes holding a depth of understanding.

Shayla, her cheeks flushed, offered a shy smile. "Yeah, well, sometimes songs say what words can't."

The acknowledgment hung in the air, and as they bid farewell that night, the unspoken truth lingered between them. The karaoke stage had become a platform for more than just music – it had unveiled the emotions that had been concealed, turning a simple song into a poignant chapter in Shayla's journey of self-discovery and, perhaps, love.


AS THE NIGHT UNFOLDED, Shayla and Tom found themselves engaged in genuine conversation, discovering shared interests and common ground. The karaoke stage had not only showcased their musical talents but had also served as a catalyst for rebuilding a friendship that had been strained by a chance collision at a glamorous event.

Soon, the group bid farewell, promises of future hangouts exchanged. Shayla walked out of the karaoke bar with a lighter heart, grateful for the unexpected turn of events. The karaoke night had become a chapter of closure and a testament to the power of embracing the present while leaving the baggage of the past behind.

Rachel, walking alongside Shayla, couldn't resist a teasing grin. "Who would've thought a karaoke night would turn into such a pivotal moment, huh?"

Shayla laughed, the echoes of the karaoke bar still ringing in her ears. "Life is full of surprises, Rachel. I guess we just have to be open to them."

And with that, they stepped into the night, leaving behind the karaoke bar and the echoes of both laughter and music that had rewritten the narrative of an unexpected reunion. Deep within, Shayla couldn't deny the truth she had been avoiding – the possibility that the karaoke night had ignited more than just old friendships. Love, it seemed, was a surprise she wasn't quite ready to acknowledge.



iMessage  02:25

that song was beautiful
whoever it's about is a lucky man

yeah i suppose he is
the song is about you silly
(message deleted)



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C speaks!

# so much love to the people who comment, bc i was so nervous to post this. seeing the comments make me so happy.

have a brilliant day!

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