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Scott's POV
School just started and I'm already starting to doubt my relationship with Kirstie. I mean, whenever we kiss I don't feel any passion. I'm sure she still loves me though judging by the way she acts around me. She tells me everything. Even her biggest secrets. I decided to take a break from Kirstie for the day and hang out with my friends Avi and Kevin. "Hey bro." Avi said "hey." I said, "Kirstie just told me something really big." I tried sounding normal. "What is it?" Kevin said leaning towards me. "Apparently," I said making sure no one heard me but Avi and Kevin, "she did-" "Scott there you are!" Kirstie said running and hugging me I pulled away leaving her confused. "Kirstie I'm hanging out with my friends right now! Do you mind?" She looked at me tears filling her eyes, she ran away crying. "Dude aren't you going to go talk to her." I sighed and got up. Should we break up?

Kirstie's POV
I can't believe he said that to me, he must be having a really bad day because he's never snapped at me like that before. He walked over to me and patted my back not even making eye contact at me. "I'm sorry Kirst it's just I think we're spending way too much time together now and I barely have anytime to spend with my friends." I nodded my head and said, "I totally get it, but you could've just told me." He nodded and hugged me. "I'm sorry." He than got up and went back to his friends. I threw my hands in the air. No kiss no eye contact. This is more than spending too much time together and I tend on finding out soon.

Scott's POV
"There I did it happy?" The boys nodded their heads. I totally forgot what I was going to say. But all I know is my relationship with Kirstie is about to go downhill, I can feel it.

Kirstie's POV
I decided to walk home. Again I saw the boy next door staring at me. But when I looked at him he looked away. I scoffed and made my way towards my front door. My sister was there with her boyfriend and I glared at them. My sister noticed and gave me a look. "Do me a favour and never break my sisters heart understand?" The boy nodded scared and my sister gave me the what the heck look. I ran upstairs closed my door and sat down and thought. Ugh...What. A. Day.

Can you keep a secret? (Mirstie)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now