
Start from the beginning

Azaadi Express! 

 He grinned noticing the sign below, after all, it was his name for her. He kept his files down and started walking while his coworker Shyam stopped him

" Bhai, Where are you going? Its Lunch time...Don't you want to eat Boudi's handmade aromatic Food? "

Anirudh said "I'll eat it afterward"

"I've never seen you miss Boudi's Lunch anytime before, That much important work huh? "Anirudh just smiled and left 


A woman is seated gracefully on a bench, her gown cascading around her like a pool of luxurious fabric. The gown, carefully chosen for its style and grace, is likely made of fine material, perhaps silk or satin, and is tailored to accentuate her figure.

 The most intriguing element of the scene is the mask she wears, which hides a part of her face and presents an air of mystery and allure.

She turned around, here and there anxiously but still desperately trying to conceal her unease.

Then, she took a relieving sigh, as she spotted her new friend " Anirudh " walking uncertain of her.

She gradually raised and waved at him. Manorama somehow still managed to have that fineness in her. She quickly put a paper neatly folded on the bench and started walking afront

Anirudh instantly spotted that, bolted towards the bench, and picked up the note. It said 

Follow me, But be careful

So, he did! without even a smallish distrust


Bondita ran, putting aside her books to unlock the door to greet her friends, most of them were older than her but she still regarded them all as her friends. Ashalata, Suleka, Debjani and Aarti came in

As Bondita's friends settled down, they began to chatter away in Bengali, exchanging stories and gossiping about their neighbors and acquaintances. Bondita listened attentively, occasionally chiming in with her thoughts and opinions.

Despite the age gap, they all got along well and enjoyed each other's company. The room was filled with laughter and lively conversation as they caught up on each other's lives.

As the group of Bengali women chatted and laughed together, a handsome adolescent guy suddenly interrupted their conversation.

 He had a confident swagger and a charming smile that immediately caught their attention. Bondita and her friends looked at each other in surprise, wondering who this stranger was and why he had barged into their gathering, while Ashalata got up and asked " Abhay, Why are you here? "

Abhay was Ashalata's brother-in-law.

Abhay replied "Boudi, Water had got over there, Children were crying out of thirst, I didn't know what to do. That's why I came here "

Bondita said " Didi, Shall I help? "

Ashalata felt a bit embarrassed requesting help, but she nodded in agreement as they were only allowed to fill the water once in two days.

Bondita smiled and got up, Took a jar, filled water in it, and gave it to Abhay.

"Hey, aren't you from the same school as me?" Abhay asked Bondita, as he took the jar of water from her.

Bondita smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am. I'm Bondita."

Abhay's face lit up with recognition. "Oh, I remember you now! You're the girl who always tops the class, right?"

Bondita grinned at the compliment.

The conversation continued, with Bondita and Abhay sharing stories about their lives and getting to know each other better, and as the evening wore on, they realized that they had both made a new friend that day.

Will this bond develop into Love? Will Anirudh actually start falling for Manorama?


Heyy Guys!!!

There you go, First chapter!!

Please do comment how it is! Tell me your views, suggestions

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Till then, Byeeee

With lots of love,

Writer babu Laasya ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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