Chapter 9 :)

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Kaitlyn pov:
great gotta wake up at 6:30 again. Don't get me wrong I love this year's school but waking up like at 6 is just horrible-
I change into my uniform and have breakfast and went to the bus stop for the bus to arrive

'Yo good morning' I said to my best frd Ashley when I got on the bus

'Yo morning'

'we won against Southampton this weekend im so happy rn'

'Niceeee I don't watch football but that's nice!'

'Mate you've got to watch football soon it's fantastic!'

'Maybe one day I will lol'
'I'm gonna explain everything to you!!!! It's the greatest sport of all time!!!!'

'Alright calm down 😂 then you gotta wait for that day'

We continued to chat until the bus arrived school
We went to our classroom and went out seats
I was peacefully reading my book which is about football when I heard the voice which I wish I can never hear it again in my life

'Heyyyyyyy Kaitlyn'

'hi britney'
'so how did you get that hot footballer to sign the jersey, how did you know him'

'I said someone gave it to me'

'I don't believe you literally nobody you know watches football, not even ur family'

'It's someone'

'Who is itttt'


'Tell meeeeee'


'Howwwww he literally got millions of followers on instagram'

'just someone accidentally added me to a group chat which is the team chat of the team Ruben plays for'

'So you know all those hot guysssss?'

'yes I know the team'

'Introduce me to themmmmm maybe I can be one of their girlfriend, they are all rich and hot'
'Britney you're 16'

'So? They may like young girls and I'm also ur cousin! You should help me to find a hot and rich guy as my boyfriend!'


'You are kidding'


'Are you serious? Any of them would literally fall for me like the moment they saw me! Look at how hot I look!'

'Look Britney, a no is a no. Also what the hell are you doing here? The bell is about to ring and you aren't even this grade. Go back to your classroom'

'Ugh fine.'

Britney finally walked away. GOD SHE IS SUCH A BITCH thank god she is 16 so we're not the same grade
School is finished and Ashley and I were on the bus on our way home.

'God Ashley is so annoying'

'I saw her this morning talking to you lol what happened'

'You see the story I posted when I got the city jersey-?'

'Yeah it's even signed as well that's nice'

'Well so I'm sorry I haven't told you before but I got added accidentally to the city first team group chat and one of the guys send me the jersey'

'You got added to ur team's players group chat? That's sick!'

'Yeah I didn't wanna tell anyone about that tho, and then Britney saw the story and cuz I tagged Ruben, the guy who sent me the jersey, Britney checked his profile and saw he's a rich footballer and she thinks he is super hot and those stuff and she thinks the guys will def fall for her when they see her the first moment- so she asked me to introduce her to the team so she can be one of their girlfriend'

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