You saw göll being worried and doubting if they can really win this round first but brünhilde reassured her but didn't look at her and only looked at the battle, taking glances from you to time to time

As heimdall finished, he now has an unamused tone

"Moving on, here's the guy who's representing the humans today."

"First up for the idiots, here he is!"

You had a small gasp as you had a bit of an offended look on your face as you only scoffed

Sure you might be a witch who's immortal but like, you still have your sanity and memories of actually BEING one before a day you got taken away and becoming the one who is now responsible for the records and for watching over the ragnarok and doing the same thing heimdall does since you both take turns

As you were lost in thought, sounds began to woke you up as you snapped out of it and looked at the soldiers that were making the noise as you clicked your tongue a bit in annoyance

"What was that? Is this where your legacy ends?"


"Seven million years of history, is this where you yield your pride?"


As if on cue, a horse came out of the entrance as you chuckled softly, already knowing who it is as a bandaged figure with red bandages wrapped around his body, not leaving any of the skin shown as there were talismans randomly placed on the person who was on the horses back, two strands of the red bandage were flying with the speed but never it fell off as his strength ripped the red bandage off of his entire body to reveal what was under the bandage covering it

Lü Bü had a purple tattoo around his arms to the top of his back and near the neck, he had a scar down to his left eye and had a talisman symbol on his chest as you haven't seen a more buffed human male then Lü Bü before as you smirked and wrote it on the book and ate a bit of the f/d Hermes gave you

"My liege..."

You heard someone say as it caught your attention as you looked in the person's direction to find a male in a soldier uniform just like the rest of them without the helmet piece as his hands were clasped together and his face was like a snotty crying child as you were a bit surprised from as you softly chuckled

You looked at the pen you brought as it was f/color one as you looked at the pen, feeling something strange, almost like a distant memory but you didn't talk about it now

Thor stood in place as Lü Bü with his horse charged straight at him as Thor held the hem of the cloak before tearing it away from him to reveal his muscular figure as he looked majestic in your point of view that you couldn't help but fawn over him a bit as Thor smirked slightly but it was invisible to people but it was for you to know over his ghost like smirk

Lü Bü got off of the horse and a green light came out of the sky, Lü Bü held his hand up and a halberd emerged from the light, as you were about to write what would happen next, you got slightly interrupted again by another god but he yelled it out to Thor

"You can do it Thor! The other guys only a measly human, cmon you can knock him out in a single blow!"

You were quite annoyed to say the least as Hermes noticed and he walked away and came next to you, holding out a pair of headphones as you were a bit surprised

"O-oh? Hermes? What are those for my dear?"

"I noticed that the noises were bothering you from your work, it can indeed be quite loud and that wouldn't do, so I must say that will be a hassle for you to endure"

You were slightly flustered by embarrassment as you cleared your throat and took the headphones before putting them on

"Ah..~ thank you very much darling~"

Hermes had a calm attitude and only nodded his head but in his mind, he was probably blushing red as a tomato or a rose, getting to be called darling by his beloved was one of the things he loved the most as he walked back to Zeus's side leaving you by your side again as you only hummed in response before looking at heimdall again

You noticed he was excited to blow the Gjallarhorn as he had tears in his eyes in the red googles he wears as you only chuckled at the soft antics he would never display in the crowd as the wind began to move into one of possibly the biggest noises you'll ever hear as you were thankful for the headphones Hermes gave you now

Heimdall blew on the Gjallarhorn and after that, the fight began between Thor vs Lü Bü, the strongest of the strong, came to a start of the round

The memories of the pained past

I forgot that I had my Wattpad story here 💀
Love you guys! Have a wonderful day!

The ragnarok's witchNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ