the limit chapter 4

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Branch's pov:

I hate being stuck in my bed, when i want to go out my body goes weak on me and floyd would ask me where i would go. He only allows me to go when i have to use the bathroom but when i tell him i wanna go up he tells me "branch your too sick to go.. wait a few more days and your good to go" few more days felt like months and weeks felt like years

I felt trapped by my weakness and sickness, my anger issues would act up a bit but i cant go too mad on my brother. At the morning i kept hearing arguing and shouting, i needed to run away. I felt so trapped in my bed and i cant escape from my reality using sleep, because all my dreams turned into nightmares of the same one where i was grey had wounds on top of a cliff and preparing to jump. I hated it, i hated this. I hate every thing.. now i had enough

I didnt show it but i was super mad "hey floyd..? Can.. i go out?" I asked "sorry little brother but you cant, your too sick" true, im too sick of everything. I felt a random burst of energy to run away or punch a mirror again, so when floyd was busy reading his book i silently tried to go out but i keep getting caught "branch stay here! You cant go out" floyd would always say

Then in the afternoon the others were arguing about who broke the couch or who broke this who broke that who did this who did that and now they are arguing of who trashed rhonda. Bruce's kids did it because john wouldnt let them in so when floyd argued with them i used this opportunity to get out of bed, i ran towards the lift and went straight up. Floyd noticed and saw me going up "BRANCH IS GONE!" floyd yelled, once i got up i dashed towards the forest. I didnt know where to go, i ran to the forest and how stupid of me to not bring supplies. I just ran and ran,

My knee got scratched by a rock and my arm kept getting hit by some branches, talk about branch vs branches but i kept running. My vision turned blurry and i couldnt control myself, i reached into my pocket and took the shard then stabbed my body with it. Hey no one was gonna stop me, that was until i gained concious and realized what i was doing. Stupid! Now im hurt and i can barely walk, and now i realized i didnt know where i was. I know im in the forest but i think i went too deep, i couldnt see troll village n'or bergen town. I forced myself up to go back where i came from but what i can remember was that i closed my eyes shut when i was running, but i took lefts and rights and i couldnt remember. I walked back in a straight path only to find myself in a different place not troll village,

..oh i know someday..

I'll make it out of here~

Even if it takes all night or a hundred years~

Need a place to hide~

But i cant find one near..~

Wanna feel alive but i cant find my fear...

Isnt it lovely?~ all alone..~

Heart made of glass my mind of stone...

Tear me to pieces, skin to bone~


"Welcome home"...

Then i passed out

Floyd's pov:

After branch ran away i saw him run through the forest, what was he thinking?? I ran towards him. Clay called viva to call poppy about this and we went a full search party for branch, when we were running i lost him.. it has been one hour since he left and i was still in the forest, i had a locator on me incase i get lost. Till i heard a familliar voice singing "heart made of glass my mind of stone~ tear me to pieces..~ skin and bones..~" i dashed towards the music and then i heard "welcome home~..." and i heard a thud, there i found branch laying unconcious

I picked him up and put him in a piggy back position
(Author: here is what the position looks like, photo not mine though. I found it on google)

When he was covered in blood

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When he was covered in blood.. jesus branch, what did you do? I found a shard of blood stained glass in his pocket thats probably why. When we went back poppy was happy and looked like she was crying earlier for how many hours it took for me to find him, viva comforted her and gave poppy some sweets to cheer her up. When we went down to branch's room i set his unconcious self on the bed and starts wrapping him in white bandages, one on his head and some covering his chest. And a whole lot on his wrists and feet, he looked almost like a mummy but who cares? I care for him

"Oh branch.. why did you run off like that?" I told him, even though he was sleeling but why did he though?

Branch's pov:

I woke up again in my bed, was that another dream? Until i noticed myself in bandages and i realized it wasnt "wha-.. what happened...?" I questioned "well.. when we were arguing you ran off into the forest, it took 3 hours to find you and you were found with deep cut wounds with the glass shard you used floyd said pretty mad but gently

"Oh.. sorry... i didnt know what got into me lately..." i answered honestly "its fine.. your safe now but dont run off like that again ok?" Floyd told me "hmph no promises" i whispered "what was that?" Floyd asked "nothing!" I just went back to sleep

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