"Fine." Henry's voice is muffled by Alex' hand and the idiotic maniac decides to ask Henry to speak a little louder because he couldn't hear him instead of just removing his hand. So naturally, Henry doesn't even try to resist the urge to behave as a toddler anymore, and licks Alex' hand.

"EW!" Alex shouts and pulls his hands to him, then wipes it off in Henry's shirt. "Disgusting, Fox!"

"How do you expect this marriage to work if you find my tongue disgusting?" Henry asks flatly and Alex just breaks into that shit-eating grin that Henry hates – and quite possible also loves.

"I guess that depends on what you are doing with that tongue, dear."

"Oh, piss off."


No, is of course the only answer Henry thinks is suitable, but he still finds himself at the pub waiting for Alex. But that's only to confirm his former statement to him... that statement being a very determent no. Mybe even a hell no, just to be sure Alex gets it. But then he walks in wearing tight, low hanging jeans, a shirt that clings to his chest and easily shows the outline of that well-toned body and Henry kind of forgets what his reason was for saying no to a marriage to the living, breathing sex-on-a-stick man.

"Ready to say yes yet?" Alex pulls Henry in for a hug. A very tight and distracting hug.

"To what..." Henry mumbles while breathing in the scent that is so intoxicating and seductive. And so very Alex.

"To our marriage of course!" Alex slaps Henry's back like a true American bro-hug and Henry is suddenly very reminded of why he is saying no. Alex is straight and Henry is all too attracted to him. A fake marriage would be torture. Actually, he would rather be waterboarded, than living with Alex. It would be more comfortable he assumes.

"Of course, I'm not going to say yes."

"But why not? I'm a fucking catch!" his eyes twinkles in a way that makes Henry want to kick him in the shins for just existing, but he restraints himself. The only way to derail his idiotic plan is to remind Alex of what he will be giving up.

"That woman over there sure seems to think so." Henry nods discreetly towards a very beautiful young woman who has been watching them the entire time. "How are you going to say no to that for a year or however long this is going to take?"

"Easy." Alex looks over his shoulder. "No." then shifts back with a wide and very proud grin on his face. "See? Not that difficult."

Henry sighs, honestly not understanding why on earth he is in love with this idiot, and very deeply wishes to bury his face in his palm, or better yet, use said palm to slap the shit out of Alex' face.

"That does definitely not count. She didn't even hear you, Alex. That was a pathetic attempt." Henry suddenly gets an idea, "How about you try it for real instead," he says and waves her over to their table.

"Don't you dare." Alex hisses but quickly puts on his very charming smile when she approaches the table.

"Hello, sweetheart." Henry smiles very politely while also wanting to shove her out through a window because of the way Alex is practically devouring her with his eyes. "My friend here would very much like to get to know you."

"Oh, that's nice" She extends her hand, "I'm Hayley."

"Henry." He takes her hand, "this is Alex."

"Hi, Alex." Her voice instantly gets very flirtatious, and Henry has to repress an eye roll. It was his own idea after all.

"Here, Hayley, you can have my seat." Henry offers.

"That's so kind of you." She sits down when Henry gets up. "Thank you."

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