1| people need synthezoids.

6 1 0

He never could fully grasp why he would get these feelings every now, and then.

He quite literally was incapable of feeling any type of human emotion. He eventually figured it had something to do with Wanda, but he always wondered if he was just feeling what she was feeling, or if it was just empathy, because he knew what she was feeling. Well, he didn't know from experience of course, just a feeling that he got throughout his body, most likely coming from the stone.

Vision stood outside of Wanda's bedroom, awaiting her invitation. Just as he could feel her, she could feel him. He didn't even have to make a peep, or knock, and she just knew he was waiting for her.

"Vision?" Wanda spoke in a quiet voice.

Vision entered her room, just as he always did when she acknowledged his presence.

"I do not wish to intrude, but I thought I should check up on you," Vision explained.

"And why did you think that?" She asked. He noticed that her face was red and blotchy, letting him know that she had been crying. His feeling was correct.

He moved his way over to her bed. She was perched in the middle of her bed, leaning against her headboard with her blanket under her chin. He decided it was best if he sat at the edge of the bed, not wanting to crowd her if that's not what she desired.

"You do not wish to speak to anyone, but it is quite obvious you're struggling, Wanda," Vision replied bluntly. He did mention the dried up tears on her cheeks.

Wanda scoffed. "I'm sure I'm not the only one."

Vision turned to look at Wanda, meeting her gaze. She turned her face away from him, her eyes still glistening.

"Wanda, if you do not want to speak with me about what it is you're feeling, I will not pressure you. But I do believe you shouldn't fight it alone." He noticed how her face softened at his words.

"At least that is what I've read, that people need people," He paused. "And I know I may not exactly be people, but it's a start." Wanda let out a small laugh.

They stared at one another for a moment, before her whole face changed. Whatever it was that was that she was holding onto, she couldn't hold it in much longer.

Wanda broke. She placed her head in her hands, and let out muffled sobs. Vision didn't say a word, he just let her have this moment.

"God, you're right," Wanda let out a dry laugh. "I just don't know what to do, it hurts so much." She placed her hands on her chest, he noticed how her breathing grew more labored.

Vision stood up from the edge of the bed, moving his way over to her side.

"I feel like I'm gonna die. Like, I can't breathe—and my heart is gonna explode out of my chest," Wanda vented, struggling to breathe. Vision sat down next to her, and wrapped his arms around her. It was a gesture he would never do, unless Wanda gave him permission, but it was different in this moment.

"No, no. I can't breathe. I feel like I'm suffocating!" Wanda cried.

"Wanda, you are not going to die," Vision reassured her, bringing his hand to hold the back of her head.

"What if it was me instead? What if I just let him stay with me? It hurts so bad," She sobbed into his chest.

This was a new sight for Vision. Wanda was usually quiet, and for the most part she was calm. He'd seen her pain from afar, but she never ever let him see it up close.

Watching Wanda hurt, made him hurt. Just weeks ago, he wouldn't even believe that was possible. There was just something about her. If he could, he would protect Wanda in a cozy bubble, and never let anything bad happen to her ever again.

"Wanda, you are experiencing survivor's guilt. You do not deserve to die," Vision whispered into her hair.

"I do," Wanda hiccuped.

Vision moved to get a better view of her face, looking down at her. He placed his hands on the side of her face. "No, Wanda. It is okay to feel this pain, it is completely normal. I may not know from experience, but it is normal to cry. And it is normal to feel these feelings of angst."

Wanda closed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew deep down he was right, but she's had these thoughts, since her parents died. She was so angry with the world, so angry with herself. Like, why wasn't it her instead? Why was it always the people she cared about deeply? When she lost Pietro, it felt like she died, and that feeling just never stopped. It consumed every part of her person. Her heart was so
overwhelmed by this terrible pain. She just wanted it to stop, she wanted the world to stop.

"Wanda?" Vision spoke, and she slowly opened her eyes. She looked up, staring into his eyes. There was a look in his eyes, he looked almost like he was hurt. "When was the last time you were able to sleep?"

She thought for a moment. God, she never really stopped to think about how tired she was. His question made her yawn, and that brought a small shadow of a smile onto his lips.

"I don't think I've slept since we fled Sokovia, if I'm being honest," She let out a small chuckle, which was more like a breath.

"Why don't you try now? It will help you feel better, calm you down," Vision suggested, moving his hands from her face. She frowned slightly, not wanting him to leave her side.

"Vis?" Wanda said, and he stopped in his tracks.

"What is it, Wanda?"

"Will you stay with me?" Wanda asked, playing with her rings.

"If that is what you would prefer," Vision replied, but remained in his spot. Wanda patted the spot next to her on the bed. He hesitated for a moment, and made his way back over, sitting down next to her.

She changed her position, making herself comfortable , and allowing him some space to get comfortable himself.

"Do you even sleep?" Wanda asked with a laugh.

"Well, I would not call it sleep. Think of it more like a rest mode," Vision explained.

"Like, you power off?" Wanda asked, looking at him with curious eyes.

"Not exactly, but we can think of it that way," Vision answered, and this time he did smile.

Wanda nodded, and smiled back at him. She got herself more comfortable, cuddling into his side. She didn't know what it was, but every time he was around, she felt safe. Like, all the bad in the world would stop, and it would just be the two of them.

Wanda drifted off into a sound slumber. Vision stared at her through the night. It was a lovely sight, to see Wanda so at peace. Letting her mind calm down. He moved a piece of hair from her face, gently so as not to wake her.

"Goodnight, Wanda," Vision whispered, closing his eyes.


im eating the floor rn as we speak btw. wandavision my fucking beloveds!! this is my first ever wandavision oneshot, so pls take it easy on me~ thems my babies. i was so scared i was gonna write vision and he was gonna be so bad, but i'm actually proud of meself.

thanks for stopping by!


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