The lonely princess

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The day i was born was the same day my mother got kicked out of the main palace. My mother was the third wife of King Maythan de Neif  before i was born the first and second Queens both had boys. The first Queen Yvona has two boys the first and third prince, the second queen Lysian has one boy who is the second prince. I was believed to be the fourth prince because in the last 100 years no woman has been born into the de Neif royal family. My father the king believed i have put a curse on the royal family so my mother and i were sent to the abandoned palace, it didn't aways be called that for the first five years of my life it was called the flower Palace we had maids and cooks but little by little they left till it was just my mother and i.

At the age of seven i would sneak out and go begging in the streets for money or food from there i heard that two more girls had been born one from each Queen. i also learned that a red light district was named after the flower palace called flower town the woman there were named after flowers. for the next few years i learned to steal from the people in the streets to get food and clothes for my mother since we stopped getting any help from the mail palace. on my tenth birthday my mother started to teach me to use a sword and martial arts with that and my speed i became a ninja of sorts. when i was twelve i heard the curse was broken and the first queen had two boys when i heard that i thought and waited for my father to come and get us so we could go back to the main palace, but it never happened. my mother has accepted her life here or so i thought.

not long after i turned thirteen did i see my mother crying so hard till she passed out. i found a newspaper announcing the first princess's tenth birthday celebration that it really hit her and myself that we were forgotten so i made a plan to sneak back into the palace and ruin their lives like they did ours i got boy clothes changed my hair. i looked like a nobles son while the party was in full swing i snuck in i didn't know what to do i didn't know how to ruin their lives till i met Namgoong, he was my father's personal guards son we talked and that night became friends at first i was going to use him to help me sneak back in after the party and to poison the princes with a sleeping tonic that will never let them wake up but it never happened Namgoong and i became friends real friends his dad took me in and we both started to train with his father. when we both turned 16 Namgoong took the guard test, he tried to get me to go but i didn't instead i found the hidden shadow test to become the next king's assassins i took the test and passed being the first girl to be an assassin even though for the past few years people believe i was a boy.

For the next four years i became the best assassin in the palace. one day i arrived back at the abandoned place to see my mother vomiting blood i got to her just in time to catch her before she hit the ground. over the next few months i wrote to the old and new king about the third Queens stat saying how ill she was getting but got nothing back soon she couldn't even stay awake for close to an hour a day so i went and stole a dress fit for a princess and went to the palace as the first princess instead of an assassin. i was told the kings were in a meeting so i waited for nine hours when i was finally let inside to see the new king Seoyun and his two wives who had a little boy each on their laps. i told the new king my brother that my mother was ill and getting worse after a while of convincing him we made a deal if i married the war hero Ja Hyun i took the deal and was sent off the next day to the north towards my new home little did i know that Ja Hyun had made his own deal with my brother that if he won the war he would marry the first princess thinking it was my sister and not me.

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