𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 !

Start from the beginning



iMessage 13:29

he's gonna be here in 30 minutes
i'm gonna screw it up
i know i am
shit shit shit
i can't do it

you can !!!
you literally have this
you're so incredibly brave

i can't shit
rachel ahh
he's fucking here????? early

good luck queenie
lmk all about it !!!


THE DOORBELL ECHOED THROUGH Shayla's home, and a mix of excitement and nerves bubbled within her. Opening the door, she was met with Tom's warm smile, a bouquet of flowers in hand. "Thought these might brighten up the place," he said, extending the bouquet towards her.

Shayla couldn't help but smile, accepting the flowers with gratitude. "Thanks, Tom. Come on in."

The living room transformed into a stage for casual conversation and laughter as Tom and Shayla settled in. The cats, initially cautious, soon emerged from their hiding spots, their curiosity piqued by the new visitor. Tom, being the good sport he was, engaged with the feline trio, winning their affections with gentle strokes and playful interactions.

As the evening unfolded, the initial awkwardness dissipated, replaced by a comfortable familiarity. Tom and Shayla exchanged stories, laughter, and, occasionally, playful banter with the cats. The shared experience of the karaoke night lingered in the background, adding a layer of understanding to their growing connection.

At one point, Tom remarked, "Your cats are characters, Shayla. And your home is a reflection of you – warm, inviting, and filled with personality."

Shayla, appreciative of the observation, replied, "Well, they say pets and homes reveal a lot about a person, don't they?"

As the night progressed, the air seemed charged with unspoken tension. It was as if the karaoke night had set the stage for a deeper exploration of emotions, and the atmosphere between Tom and Shayla crackled with the potential for something more.

As they lingered in the doorway, saying their goodbyes, Tom's gaze met Shayla's in a way that sent a shiver down her spine. In that moment, a wave of longing and anticipation surged within her. Without fully comprehending the impulse, Shayla leaned in, and their lips met in a tender, unexpected kiss.

For a moment, time stood still. The warmth of the kiss sent ripples through Shayla's senses, and as they pulled away, a mix of confusion and realization clouded their expressions.

"I... I'm sorry," Tom stammered, his eyes searching hers for a response.

Shayla, her heart pounding, managed a shaky smile. "No, I... I should be sorry. I don't know what came over me."

The atmosphere shifted, an unspoken acknowledgment hanging between them. Tom left, the door closing behind him, leaving Shayla alone in the hushed aftermath of their unexpected exchange.

As she replayed the moment in her mind, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions swept through Shayla. Regret mingled with a profound realization – the kiss, though unexpected, had stirred something within her. In the quiet solitude of her home, Shayla admitted to herself that the connection she felt with Tom had transcended the bounds of friendship.

Days turned into nights, and Shayla found herself grappling with the newfound awareness of her feelings. The memory of that impulsive kiss lingered, a poignant reminder that emotions, once unleashed, couldn't be easily contained. The uncertainty of where their connection would lead both thrilled and terrified her.

Shayla was standing at the threshold of something unknown, a journey that promised both joy and vulnerability. The realization that she had fallen in love with Tom, despite the complications, settled within her like a quiet storm, reshaping the landscape of her heart in ways she hadn't imagined.

As the days turned into weeks, Shayla navigated the uncharted waters of her emotions, wondering if Tom felt the same way. The kiss, though initially regrettable, had become a catalyst for a deeper understanding of her own heart. And in the quiet moments of reflection, Shayla found herself embracing the uncertainty, ready to discover where the unexpected twists of love would lead.



iMessage 18:21

we kissed




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C speaks !

# tayla kiss !!!!!

# i love writing this story so much i hope you all enjoy

have an amazing day!

✓ 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, tom blythWhere stories live. Discover now