HAPPY REUNION ( edited )

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I started to lift my eyelids as the first thing I felt was me being patted on my head. I slowly turn towards Akira as my head lifted and eyes widened as fat tears rolled down my wet cheeks.

There stood a fully awake Akira patting my head and carrying a gentle smile. " Hey koko. You look like a mad person. Go brush your hair" she said taking a deep breath. I launched at her with a big hug as I held her tight. " I thought I lost you again. Seeing you with all bandages and injuries I couldn't help but cry." I said sniffing. " Alright it's alright these injuries are not because of you. We won we defeated upper 5" she said gently wiping away my tears.

" Now would you mind explaining all of this to me. Why did upper five tried to take you away?" She said leaning against the wall for support. She winced as she let a deep breath out. I took a deep breath in and as I did with tamayo I explained every thing up until I met her. " You should told sooner. Then I would helped you out a lot more you know. I knew something was off when you lifted heavy things when your pregnant and when your late you come alot faster than a normal human can. "

She said patting my cheek. " But from now on. No secrets. For our freind ships sake." She said lifting her pinky finger up. " Wait...your not mad at me and Don't wanna be friends any more?" I asked looking dumb founded. " Well I'm not saying that I'm not mad at you a tiny little bit but I understand where your coming from. You was afraid that I would reject you for being a demon and pregnant as well being the ex wife of the one and only demon king which we had been hunting for so long but I won't. You need company and as I had grown to love you for you no matter what race you are I guess I'll give you my forgiveness and an another chance "

She said truthfully.  " So all forgiven?"
I said looking up at her. " All forgiven"
She said connecting Our pinky fingers together and smiling brightly as ever.

" By the way do you know any one in the name of tsugikuni yorichi? " Akira asked changing the subject. "Well most of my memories are fogy but I do recall knowing this tsugikuni yorichi. Somehow I was related to him some way. I do not remember my previous name I do recall that I knew him from his younger years." " Why did you ask. Do you perhaps know him." I asked needing to learn about this guy that sometimes appier in my dreams.

" It's just that. I knew him from the demon slayer corps. He was a hashira along side me. We were very close friends. He disappeared when his brother turned into a demon. And he fought the demon king a few days earlier. He was the most talented among us and the original breath user...." I cut her off by saying. " And what does any one of this information connects me to him?" I asked. " I'm just saying that maybe you're his brother who was turned into a demon. I mean you two do look a like apart from your demon qualities. And hair you two look almost identical to each other."

She says. " So you think I'm his brother. Then why does he apper in my dreams and sometimes I get teleported to a dream that I kill him or he kills me. Both deaths identical to each other. We both die at the end by our torso and neck being cut in half. "

" I don't know. Maybe a prediction or something." She said. " Maybe. I will go in to that later. " I said looking at her.

"  Kokoshibo kun I prepared breakfast for you. " Tamayo came in with a tray of food. " Oh Akira San your awake! She said bringing the food towards us and putting it on a table. " And your blood pressure is good so that's great. You'll be able to go slay demons in no time " she said checking her wrist and listening to her heart beat. " Oh no tamayo San I don't slay demons anymore. I am retired" Akira said clearing up the misunderstanding. " Oh I'm so sorry for asuming that you slay demons Akira San. You retiring would be a great cost of a talented and strong demon slayer. "

Tamayo said bowing her cheeks getting redder by the second. " It's alright tamayo San. Maybe can you bring me some food too. I am starving after a week and a day without any food. " She said as her tummy growled. " Yes Akira san" tamayo said hurrying off to bring food to Akira.

" Isn't she the kindest and a cutest demon?" Akira said balancing her face on her arms. " I guess so"
Hello there fello readers. Sooo how do you like the new cover?? I made it myself and this is my first digital art. It ain't much but when I get the hang of it I will make new and more flamboyant one. Any who this is Tomorrow schap so I won't be writing tomorrow maybe.... And I had a karate class today butttt the freaking dojo was closed so I came back home. Such a waste of money. And I had a guy feeling that the dojo is closed but my mom insisted I'd go so yea that's all for today. I hope your having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

~A/n chan~

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