1. ㄥᎧ𝙠𝐼

Start from the beginning

"No. Just asking for the next three weeks of assignments."

"Three week--" he comes to a dead stop, putting both hands on my shoulders. "Look, I know you're an overachiever, but its our first day at Avengers University. And you're already weighing yourself down. Take a look around!"

I glance up at the ceiling, which is decorated with art by various students over the decades. AU is one of the most prestigious schools in North America, just half an hour out from New York City. "Quite incredible, isn't it?"


"And anway, Mobius," I start walking again, smiling at the audible sigh leaving his lips. "With me, there is no such thing as overachieving." 

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I'm sure," I push open the doors of the S.T.E.M. building, taking us out into the sunshine. "I do it because I know I can handle it."

"Just keep feeding that ego of yours."

"Don't be absurd," I roll my eyes. "What class do you have next?"

"Uh," he grabs his phone, opening his semester schedule. "Ancient History in the Humanities building. You?"

A smile creeps onto my face. "Magic Arts in the Special Skills building."

"That's your major, right? What are you going to do with all that power?"

"Perhaps I'll take over the world."

"Oh no. Everyone else who tried that has failed."

"They weren't using magic, were they?"

"Someone help, my best friend is insane," he glances at his phone. "I guess I should go before I join the dead Greek guys I'll be learning about. I'll see you later."

I nod and her veers away from me, heading towards the Humanities building. I direct myself to the Special Skills building (which I've heard has been nicknamed the "S.S. Building" as a joke) and head up a flight of stairs. Turning right brings me to a door labelled "Magic Arts Lecture Hall".

On pushing it open, I find myself directly across from a stern-looking Native American woman. Her attitude is a vast contrast to Miss Minutes', and despite being a foot shorter than me, I can sense immediately the power my professor holds over me. Leaning against her desk, she looks up from her clipboard. "Loki Odinson?"

Ah, the joys of being the son of New York City's longest running mayor. "Yes."

"You may take a seat."

I nod and scan the room quickly. Talking to Miss Minutes lost me time, preventing me from sitting in the front row. I'll settle for the third one instead, next to a woman who looks borderline gothic. At first, I think she is completely disinterested in me, which thrills me.

Of course, I'm wrong. She turns to me. "I'm Wanda Maximoff."

She has an accent I can't quite place. "Loki Odinson."

"You're the son of New York City's Mayor Odin, right?" When I nod, she smiles. "Good, I remembered. I'm a transfer from Sokovia, so I'm still working on adjusting to your culture. Who's in the government and all."

Ah, Sokovian. That explains her accent. "Well, welcome to the States. I'm sure you'll adjust quickly."

"Thank you, Loki," she nods. "You're the youngest in your family, yes? So am I. I have a twin brother, Pietro. Older than me by twelve minutes."

"Imagine having two older siblings. One who thinks she's the boss and the other who acts younger than you are."

She sucks in a breath. "I will never complain about Pietro again."

I can't help but smile a bit. Wanda Maximoff isn't so bad after all. Perhaps we can even be friends. "So you--"

Knuckles rap on a desk, jerking me focus on the conversation away from me. While I spoke with Wanda, the hall had filled with students. Every seat except the one to my right because I had left my bag on it. Oops.

"Hello, everyone. I am Professor Faraday," our professor turns to us. "Welcome to Magic Arts. You are in this class today because you all showed high levels of magical talent in the U.S.T.--Unusual Skills Test. And I know many of you have chosen this as your major. So--"

Her next words are silenced by the door swinging open so violently it slams hard against the stopper. An out-of-breath woman with wavy blonde hair barges in.


A/N: LOKI AND MOBIUS BEST FRIENDS VIBES :D. Also, IDK why, but I feel Wanda and Loki would get along to the degree.

Please leave comments. I find them very motivational! 

Mess Me Up--Sylki (Book 1 of Avengers University)Where stories live. Discover now