1. ㄥᎧ𝙠𝐼

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I glance at Mobius as he settles into the passenger seat. "You ready?"

"Yup," he buckles the seatbelt. "And hey, thanks for giving me a lift on such short notice."

"What was I supposed to do, leave you next to your broken car all night? I'm telling you, Mobius, you need to start saving for a better car," I start the engine. "You're lucky I stay at the library late."

"Having a bookworm friend has benefits."

I chuckle, pulling out of the University parking lot as the rain seriously starts to come down. Thunder rolls in the distance and we fall into silence, the rain against the windows oddly soothing. Despite the whirlwind of noise attacking the back of my mind, I feel relaxed and focused. Which is good, because the roads are shining wet, very few cars driving.

My phone buzzes and Mobius glances at the cupholder its in. "Should I check it?"

"It's probably just Thor. You can ignore it."

The wind picks up, the wipers nearly unable to keep up with the onslaught of water. It is getting very dark very quickly.

Mobius leans forward in his seat. "Holy crap, is that a person?"

I peer out the windshield, my gaze catching on someone trying to struggle their way through the storm. No umbrella, no coat, nothing. Its absolute madness. I glance at their reflection in my rearview mirror as we pass them.

My heart stops when I realize who it is.

"You're starting to go really fast, Loki--LOKI!"

I feel the car slip out of my control, starting to spin on the slick pavement. Mobius is yelling; I'm yelling as I try to get the car to stop.

Its too late.

I grip the wheel in a desperate attempt to either straighten the vehicle or place myself at the point of impact instead of Mobius. Everything I have ever known flashes before my eyes--


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"That's it for today, y'all!" Miss Minutes starts wiping off the chalkboard. "There's no homework or assignments until Wednesday."

Mobius stands, already picking up his bags. Incredible how he always has everything packed so quickly. "You ready?"

"I need to talk to Miss Minutes first," I slide my laptop and notebook into my bag. "I'll meet you in the hall."

He nods and makes I beeline for the door while I approach her desk. "Excuse me, Miss Minutes?"

She turns to me with a grin. "Hello, Loki! What can I do for you, hun?"

I shift on my feet. I haven't had a teacher this laid-back since 7th grade. "Could I have access to the next three weeks of assignments?"

"Three weeks?! Its the first day of the academic year and you want to get that far ahead so soon?"

"Yes. Its lovely, since you've given me tonight and tomorrow to get this week's work done and next Monday's."

She sets her hands on her hips. "In my ten years of teaching, I have never had someone ask me this," she smiles again. "But okay. I'll add it to your student account."

"Thank you so much." She nods and I slip out, meeting Mobius by the doorway. "That went well."

He starts walking. "What the hell were you doing in there, interrogating her?"

Mess Me Up--Sylki (Book 1 of Avengers University)Where stories live. Discover now