Chapter 116: Winter Camp, Training Camp

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Chu Xia originally wanted to sit in the back with Cen Huai'an, but Cen Zhengnian, standing outside the car, opened the front passenger door and smiled at Chu Xia, making a gesture as if inviting her, "I don't want to be just the driver."

Chu Xia chuckled, "An'an, your dad can't bear to be separated from your mom for even a moment."

Cen Huai'an, understanding and considerate, said, "It's okay, Mom, you can sit in the front."

Following Cen Zhengnian's suggestion, Chu Xia took a seat in the front passenger seat, and the car left the train station.

"Dad, Mom, I ranked in the top three in the national math competition, so I've earned the opportunity to attend the winter camp of the International Mathematical Olympiad."

Chu Xia immediately turned her head backward, her face unable to hide the joy that was purely for Cen Huai'an. 

"Congratulations, An'an!""

The corners of Cen Huai'an's mouth lifted, and much of the fatigue from the train journey seemed to vanish.

Cen Zhengnian didn't look back, but he was also genuinely happy for Cen Huai'an. The joy in his eyes seemed ready to overflow. 

"Congratulations, An'an," he echoed the same words as Chu Xia, adding even more pleasure to Cen Huai'an's heart.

Chu Xia knew that traveling by train could be tiring, so she didn't press Cen Huai'an for details about the competition or what happened in Liangzhou. 

In the tranquil car, Cen Huai'an slowly rested his head against the window, closing his eyes.

Looking through the rearview mirror, Chu Xia saw Cen Huai'an asleep. Cen Zhengnian noticed too. They exchanged a glance, and the car slowed down, driving more steadily.

Cen Huai'an didn't sleep deeply. As soon as the car stopped, he opened his eyes and saw the familiar house and courtyard. He relaxed even more.

"Dad, Mom, I'll go take a shower first."

Chu Xia and Cen Zhengnian left a note for him and went out to buy groceries. 

At this moment, except for the family members taking care of the children, there was no one at home in the residential compound.

Seeing Chu Xia and Cen Zhengnian walking out together, many people enthusiastically greeted and chatted with them, asking what they were up to. 

Chu Xia mentioned buying groceries, quickening her pace to leave this group of gossip-prone relatives in the compound.

As for what they would say about her after she left, there wasn't a single person not subject to the scrutiny of others' comments.

At the market, the selection of vegetables wasn't extensive, but they managed to buy ribs and chicken. They carefully picked out some good ones and added a few cabbages to their haul.

Winter vegetables were scarce at this time, with radishes, potatoes, and cabbage being the common choices.

Occasionally, if they were lucky, some elderly farmers would sell homegrown greens, and Chu Xia would always make sure to buy them.

Cen Zhengnian carried the ribs and a bunch of vegetables, while Chu Xia only had her own bag, appearing light and relaxed, forming a sharp contrast with Cen Zhengnian.

When they returned, Cen Huai'an had already gone back to his room to rest. Chu Xia and Cen Zhengnian busied themselves in the kitchen preparing lunch for the day.

"Zhengnian, help me wash the ribs."

Cen Zhengnian's cooking style had remained the same; as long as it was edible after being cooked, that was enough.

Transmigrated to a Period Novel as the Genius Antagonist's Birth Motherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن