The next time James snuck into St Mungo's, he was decidedly more sober.

"Look, Snape," he said from the other side of the closed door. He was trying for 'reasonable' this time. "I don't like to admit it, but you're fucking smart. You're a lot of other things, too. You're ugly, and bad-tempered, and a creepy git, but no one can deny you're a genius. Are you seriously going to throw away your education because of a little teasing? You don't belong in here. You're not crazy. You're just... weird. And evil. Look, I got you something." He knelt down on the ground and pulled out a stack of papers from his bag. "These are prep exams for the N.E.W.T.s. If you apply yourself, you can take them on time with the rest of us." He shoved the exam under the door.

A few seconds later, the exam was shoved back. The edge of the paper fluttered against James's knee.

"Are you serious, Snape? Are you that childish? This is your future! Now stop acting like a baby and take it." He pushed it underneath the crack once more.

And Snape tossed it back.

"You know what? Fine! I don't care! Nobody will want to hire a psychopath who's been committed anyway! You don't have a future! You might as well stay in there and never come out!"

"Is someone here?" A voice called out from the other side of the ward.

"Shit," James swore as he tugged on his cloak, making sure every inch of him was covered, before heading back down the stairs.


James vowed he wouldn't visit again. Snape could rot for all he cared. He had an entire, glorious summer waiting for him. He wouldn't spend it hanging around a madhouse. This was it; this was his last summer before his final year at Hogwarts. He was seventeen, he had his apparition license, he was rich– he could go anywhere in the world. Nothing could stop him.

"Welcome, welcome to my humble lodgings," Sirius said as he opened the door and bowed grandly, ushering James and Remus and Peter into the large London apartment Sirius had purchased with his Uncle Alphard's inheritance.

Remus let out a whistle as he circled the grand foyer. Parquet floors, floor to ceiling windows, a chandelier. All it needed was furniture. So far, the only objects in the room was a Muggle turntable, a milk crate full of records, and a couch shaped like a pair of bright red lips. "How much did this cost you, Pads?" Remus asked, taking in the view.

"A gentleman never discusses money," Sirius said as he waved them deeper into his own home.

"You know you didn't have to do this, right?" James said as he let himself drop down on his best friend's brand new bed. "My parents would have loved for you to stay however long you wanted."

"I know," Sirius said as he sat next to James, close enough so that their thighs touched. "But I needed to do this. I want to prove to my mother that I don't need her or anyone else to take care of me. That she didn't win when she kicked me out."

James patted his knee. "If you're going to do this you should do it because you want to, not to spite your mother or anything."

"This isn't all about her!"

"Good, because, you know, I don't think she really cares, and I hate to see you get worked up like this about a woman who's never going to give you the attention you want."

Sirius looked away and an awkward silence descended on the group, only breaking when a knock was heard from the front door, followed by a woman's voice calling out, "Hello?"

Sirius immediately jumped up. "That'll be the girls!"


Sirius came back with Mary and Lily in tow, the latter of whom was carrying a bottle of wine. "Housewarming gift," she said. "Where should I put it?"

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