Ch. 2- Just Kill Me

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Adrian's POV:Shit.

A whole ass shipment. What did I hire these people for?

How did they manage to get a whole fucking shipment stolen?

I pinch the bridge of my nose and prop my elbows on my desk. Stressed, I ran my hand through my messy hair as I took a swig from my glass.


"What?" I barked from my desk as I signed through my paperwork.

Dad rushes in hastily and drops a file on my desk as he paces around the room making phone calls. He looked exhausted with his wrinkled suit, tousled hair, and the heavy bags under his eyes.

I swipe it off my desk and my eyes skim through the file. It had a girl's information on it. Aria Williams.

There was a picture of the young girl with brown, curly hair, hazel eyes, and olive skin. Her smile looked contagious and she was hugging a woman who looked exactly like the woman my brothers and I despised.

Our biological Mother.

When we were younger, my brothers and I were all told she was dead and a fragment of all of us had been broken off. Only when Jeremiah had turned 18, which was 8 fucking months ago, our father confessed to her being alive and well.

Despite feeling a twinge of betrayal, I went on with my life. Jeremiah wanted nothing to do with her and no longer cared. Landon on the other hand, struggled a lot. His woman has been helping him slowly get better.

But Dad never mentioned Aria.

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask bitterly, tossing the file onto my desk among the scattered papers.

"Your mother called-" I interrupted him.

"She's anything but a Mother."

His eyes darkened before he placed his hands on my desk. Dad leaned down so that his intimidating eyes met mine, but nothing made me feel small. He was frightening, yes, but I remained composed as my finger tapped my armrest.

We stared at each other, having a silent showdown but he broke it up and continued.

"As I was saying, Hope called and she needs help."

I scoff immediately at his words. "She needs our help now. After she left us."

Dad ignored me, clearly angered I had been talking back but he was only letting me go because he knew she was a sore subject towards all of us.

"Hope and her daughter have been followed by somebody for the past few days. She only confirmed this morning it was The Serpents. She is being trailed home as we speak to me and you both know there is no way she's going to survive this."

"So why are you telling me this?" I fire, my voice slightly rising. "She's going to die, what am I supposed to do about it?"

I almost winced at my own words but shook the feeling away as I held the same expression on my face.

"Because you need to get your sister. I want you on the jet in 20 minutes."

"This girl," I slapped the file on my desk as I stood up. "She is never going to be a Hart."

"Adrian, I understand this is hard for you. But you and your brothers don't know the whole story. Get the girl with Jaden. Come back. And I'll tell you when the time is right."

Before I could protest further, Dad turned and left my office and I let out a string of curses as I filled my glass to the brim with liquor. The strong liquid glides down my throat, temporarily soothing my insides only for the tension to return.

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