Chapter 5

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(Presents day)

The early Monday morning was filled with arguing of four teenagers getting ready for school. "Stop using my hairbrush Ambrose," Amabel screeched only for the boy to start laughing. Amabel had been up for over two hours working on her hair, makeup, and nail as she loved to always look perfect. As for Ambrose he had woken not thirty minutes ago after his mother had repeatedly barged into his room trying to wake him.

Calidore had been up for hours having woken up at 4 in the morning and was already dressed the only thing was someone had ran off with his homework. "Amabel, Ambrose did either of you take my homework," he meekly asked his siblings only to get a "Yep" for Ambrose. "Well were did you put it i need it," Calidore huffed out only for Ambrose to shrug his shoulders.

Desdemona had never gone to sleep and was extremely grumpy. She had just found Calidore's homework stuffed into the couch cushions when she heard him asking Ambrose about it. Quickly she scurried up the stairs tapped him on the shoulder and handed it to him before saying, "we leave in ten minutes."

Not five minutes later Amabel shouted done tossing down her makeup onto the sink she shared with Desdemona. She threw on her heels that her siblings loved to call the death traps and wobbled her way down the stairs were her mother and siblings waited. Their mother hugged and kissed them wishing them a good day.

Amelia had woken later than her her youngest two and was awake by five. She promptly got dresses and headed down the stairs to make breakfast for her children. She made Amabel a smoothie, Calidore some strawberry oatmeal, Desdemona a omelet with bacon and a cup of tea. Ambrose's took longer as he had a huge stack of waffles, tons of bacon and sasuge and a smoothie.

As she knew her children so well she called Calidore and Desdemona done for breakfast since they were ready. Then she took Amabel's smoothie up to her and preceeded to make multiple attempts to wake Ambrose. When he finally did awaken he rushed down the stairs still in his pajamas to eat. When all the kids had left she cleaned up the plates and cups before heading to clean the upstairs where the kids bedrooms and bathrooms were.

She didn't have to clean Calidore or Desdemona's room as they cleaned their own. Amabel and Ambrose were a different story. Amabel's room looked like a tornado went through, she had clothes, shoes makeup, hair products, and jewelry strewn everywhere. It took her a good thirty minutes to get the room cleaned. Ambrose room smelt, he had dirty clothes everywhere his games were all over the place, and there was moldy food under his bed.

The bathrooms were also a mess. Ambrose had gotten water all over the boys bathroom and thrown his wet towel on the floor and his pajamas is a water puddle. It was a disaster and so was the girls bathroom, there was nail polish on the sink and makeup was scattered everywhere. It even looked like Amabel had kissed the mirror while wearing her bright pink lipgloss.

Finally when she was done she started making her way to work however she never made it. When she was just five minutes away from work a drunk driver swerved on the bridge hitting her car. The car went off the bridge and landed on the ground, Amelia was dead by the time paramedics arrived.

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