7- monday drama

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I woke to the sun beaming in my eyes and I realized that it was finally Monday. I got out of bed and decided that I would take a quick shower. When I was out of the shower I picked out an outfit and did a little bit of makeup and threw my hair into a messy bun. (Fit is the picture at the top) I decided that I would drive my self to school today in my car. My car was a little black car. I grabbed my car eyes out of vanity and I got money from my purse to put in my backpack. I decided that I would go to Starbucks before school since I still had 35 minutes. I went down stairs and started to go to the car I didn't have to say goodbye to my mom since she was already at work. After Starbucks I went to the school. I ended up parking my car next to Malachis since it was the only spot that I could find. I grabbed my car keys and got out of the car and grabbed all my stuff and walked into the school. I saw Ariana and ran over to her and hugged her. "Hi kenz!" She said excitedly. I smiled. "Where is Malachi?" I asked. "He in homeroom" "oh" I said while nodding my head and walking to homeroom. I saw Malachi he was sitting next to Nicole I walked to my seat and rolled my eyes. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I looked over at them and his hand was on her thigh. I saw Ariana walk in the classroom and she came running to me once she saw where Malachi hand was.

(Time skip)
The bell finally ringed for lunch and I met Ariana at her locker and we went downstairs to the lunch room together we found a empty table in the cafeteria since I didn't really feel like sitting with Malachi and she knew that. We watched people walk into the cafeteria and I saw Malachi and Nicole. Malachi pulled Nicole waist and went in for a kiss. I couldn't handle it no more. I grabbed my phone and put it in my hoodie pocket and the hoodie I was wearing was Malachis that he gave me before I moved away. I put my hood on and started to run out of the lunch room to go find a bathroom. I shoved myself through Malachi and Nicole. Malachi looked at me and frowned. I looked back to Malachi starting to walk towards me. He pulled me in for a hug but I pushed away with tears running down my face. I ran into the bathroom and slid down the wall. I sat in the bathroom the rest of the school day till the bell ringed. When the bell ringed I made a run for it running to my car,then I realized I ended up parking next to Malachi car this morning since that was the only parking spot I could find. I made my way of the school making sure no one saw me and I ran over to my car and I saw Malachi walking to his car. I quickly tried pulling my keys out of my backpack but Malachi already came over to his car door. He looked over at me and came over to my car door. And wrapped his hands around my shoulder,I gently pushed his hands off my shoulder. "What's wrong kenz?"  Malachi asked. You know already. I signed. "No I don't." He replied. "Well maybe if you didn't get back with your ex that gave me a bloody nose I would be fine." I replied. "Kenzie it's not what it look likes she forced me I love you with all my heart I really do." Malachi said. "What ever Malachi." I said getting into my car. Malachi walked over to my car door and opened it before I left to go home he pulled my hand and pulled me out of the car. "Look Kenzie I didn't know Nicole was going to do that ok? But you're the prettiest girl I have ever seen and I want you to be my girlfriend." He finished saying as he opened the trunk of his jeep that had a basket and balloons. I pulled him for a hug and of course I said yea.

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