5- well this is weird

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"McKenzie time to get up" I heard my mom say. I rolled over to see which way she was standing. "10 more minutes" I asked. "It's 11:30 we are supposed to leave at 12:00 since we are  taking you guys to the cranvial before dinner." I nodded my head and started to get out of bed. I went into my closet to look for a an outfit.  And I went into my bathroom to change. I decided that I would braid my hair today.  And I did a little make up and grabbed my purse and put a little extra money in it,and started to head downstairs. I looked downstairs to Malachi and Felicia already being here. I smiled and looked at Malachi who was completely blushing.  "Mom what car are we taking?" I asked. "We're taking my car" my mom said. Me and Malachi started to walk out to the car. I was behind the driver seat he was behind the passenger seat and our moms were in the front.  When we got inside they sat us down at a table right away u was next to my mom and Malachi was next to his. Our moms were walking while we just scrolling on our phones till Malachi asked something. "Mom can Kenzie sleepover?" Malachi asked. "As long as it's ok with Mrs bell." Felica told him. My mom nodded her head saying yes. Me and Malachi smiled.

(Time skip)
We just got back home to my house and me and Malachi ran upstairs to my room so I can pack some clothes and things I need to sleep over his house. "Malachi can you reach my sleeping bag for me?" I asked. He nodded his head and got up on his tippy toes and grabbed my sleeping bag out of the top of my closet. We were finally done packing after 25 minutes and I said goodbye to my mom and we ran over to Malachi house. We went upstairs and I placed my sleeping bag on the floor. Malachi ended up putting on a Star Wars movie and we both ended up falling asleep. It was around 2:00 in the morning when I woke up with terrible stomach pain to where I was basically trying to cry myself back to sleep because of the pain, but Malachi woke up shortly after and heard me crying. "Kenzie?" He asked. "Yeah?" I replied. "Are you ok?" He asked. I told him my stomach was hurting and he told me to come lay on his bed with him. "I got up out of the sleeping bag and went over to his bed and climbed in. He moved me onto his chest and he started to play with my hair as well both fell back to sleep. The morning came so fast and I woke up to Malachi jumping up and down on the bed. I groaned. "WAKE UP!" He yelled. I rolled over to where I could see him and nodded. I woke up and walked to my backpack to get my clothes for the day. "Malachi what are doing today?" I asked. "Want to go to the carnival the gang can tag along?" He suggested. "Sure" I said. I went to the bathroom to change while Malachi was going to text the group chat. When I was in the bathroom getting ready my phone started to blow up with group chat messages I picked up my phone so I could look at it.

Malachi 🐀
Do you guys want
To go to the carnival
With me and kenz?

                                                             Ruby 🥀

Jameson 🐀
I am with Tyson right
Now we are in.

                                                      Ariana 🎀
                                                   I am in I just left
                                                     The triplets house.

Malachi 🐀
Alright see guys
Around 3:00

                           McKenzie read at 8:25 am
                          Nicole left gc at 8:25 am

I turned my phone and finished doing my makeup. I walked out of the bathroom and Malachi was already ready. "Want to go to IHOP before the carnival?" Malachi asked. "Sure" I smiled. I grabbed my purse and went we went down stairs and he told his mom where we going and she said ok. Malachi grabbed his keys from the kitchen and started to go towards his black jeep. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in and he started to turn on the radio. When we got there we went inside and waited for a table. We finally got a table and we decided to get pancakes and milk shakes so we would have Energy for the carnival.  We talked about school and all of old memories before I left for Boston 3 years ago. We both reached for the syrup and ours hand interlocked we both just sat there for a minute and smiled as we both smiled it. Then he it gave to me first to use. I smiled then I gave it to him.  When we finished up a ihop it was 12:00 we decided that we would take back Rhodes going to the carnival. We finally got there and everyone was already there. Ariana and Ruby started to walk over to Malachi jeep and Jameson and Tyson ran over to us. "I have a great idea" Jameson said. "What is it?" Everyone asked. We should go on rides in duos. Everyone agreed and we all found a duo. Jameson and Tyson were a duo then Ariana and Ruby then that left me and Malachi to be a duo. We were both nervous but knowing that he was nervous made me feel better.

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