Part 14 : Argument

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( A week later , in the morning at dinning table )

" Oppa , I am going on a date with Gyu at night "

" Didn't you went on a date a few days ago ? " Soobin asked

" So what ? "

" You shouldn't have gotten into a relationship  .  Ever since you are with him you don't focus on your studies "

" Oppa , I am studying "

" Yeah , I can see "

" Soobin , just let her go " Said Yeonjun

" Because of you she is getting spoiled day by day "

" Don't say anything to Yeonjun oppa "

" You and your Yeonjun oppa "

" Just leave him Y/n . Go to mall and do some shopping . Here take my card"

" Yah , don't you dare to give her that "

" Why ? "

" She is my sister , I won't allow you to do this "

" She is my sister too , I can give her whatever I want "

" But that doesn't mean you will give her money to buy unnecessary things"

" Clothes are not unnecessary "

" I know , eversince we have here , she have almost a whole room for her clothes "

" Even I have that . What's the problem in this ? "

" The problem is , she should know how to save money , she should learn where to spend money and where not"

" If she have money then what is the problem in spending "

" But that is not hers "

" You are just exaggerating small things . She is an adult , she can do whatever she want "

" First of all I am not exaggerating and second , if she is an adult that doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants"

" In which century are living in Soobin ? You are talking like old man . Why do you always stop her from doing anything ? Can't you understand a simple thing ? "

" I am doing all this for her own good"

" I know that but that doesn't mean you will stop her for everything "

" You again came to that topic . Why aren't you understanding my point ? "

" Your point should be valid "

" So , you are saying my point is not valid ? "

" Yes , you are just arguing unnecessarily "

" I am not arguing , you are the one who is arguing "

" STOP NOW ! " Y/n interrupted them

" Why are you arguing over me ? "

" Tell your brother to stop " Yeonjun said while glaring at Soobin

" You are the one who was not stopping "

" I said that to Y/n , not you Mr. Arrogant "

" What did you say ? Mr. Arrogant ? " Soobin looked at him in disbelief

" Yes , because you are "

" Will you both stop ? "

" He started it " They both said at the same time

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