Part 11 : Movie date

225 8 46

Soobin got inside his house but got surprise seeing Y/n

" Where were you ? " Y/n asked

" I went to the convenience store "

" You went to convenience store wearing formal clothes and since morning or should I say night ? "

Soobin widened his eyes

" You were with brother in law right ? So , now he is officially my brother in law ? " Y/n asked being excited

Soobin scratches his neck avoiding eye contact

" Oh someone is shy ? " She said teasing him

" I want to meet him again . Now as your boyfriend " She said excitedly

" I will let you meet him soon "

" Ok " she said happily

" By the way , is he ok now ? I heard him complaining in the morning. I guess you went hard on him "

" Yah ! You go to your room ! " Soobin yelled at her being embarrassed

She giggled

" Such a dirty girl you are "

" You did that , I can't even say that ? "

Soobin went inside his room

" Aigo , he is so shy "


Few days later

Y/n was laying on her bed she got a call . She looked at the caller ID and got shocked . It was Beomgyu . She quickly picked it up

" Hello ? "

" Hi Y/n , how are you ? "

" I am good , how are you oppa ? "

" Y/n , don't call me oppa . It makes me feel old . Just call me Beomgyu ok ? "

" Ok Beomgyu " She said shyly

" Y/n , are you free this Saturday? "

" Umm yes , why ? "

" My friend gave me two tickets for a movie . Will you like to go with me ? "

" I ? Why don't you go with Soobin oppa ? "

" It's a romantic movie and you know Soobin is an anti romantic "

" He was anti romantic . Now he have a boyfriend "

" What  ? That rat didn't told me about his boyfriend . I will see him later . Now tell me , will you go with me ? "

" Why do you want to take me ? "

" I-I because you like romantic movies"

" How did you know ? "

" Soobin once told me . Now tell me will you go ? "

" Um ok , I will go with you "

" Great , so I will pick up at 6 in the evening on Saturday "

" Ok "

Mr. Bunny and Mr. CEODove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora