text note 12/04

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im flowing with poetry
bursting out of my edges
boiling and restless
it rips through my bones
it tears off my skin
and reshapes me, reshapes me, reshapes.
it stumbles down my chest
and it breathes me, it breathes me, it breathes.
it rhymes with the rythm of my heart
and it loves me, it loves me, it loves.
it comes out of my mouth, unfiltered
laughed and screamed and whispered.
it speaks to me, it speaks to me, it speaks.
following me everywhere i go,
it's my dearest companion.
hopping to the music
it walks unleashed.
it just is.
i can feel the spluttering
the lapillus and fire and sparks
the golden rays of the sun
it cannot be shadowed.
i can feel the tide
the waves and the turbines,
it cannot be contained.
i can hear the harmonies
the orchestras and melodies
it cannot be muted.
i can feel it running
across wheat fields
dirtying its feet in mud and
laughing in the rain
it cannot be tamed.
my true blood and poison,
im a vampire
and i drink the light.
im a writer
and i drink the poetry.

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