Chapter 8

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(Author's note:


While not directly non-con, there is a lot of non-consensual descriptive language in this chapter.

Please use your discretion accordingly.

This may alienate some of you, which I would fully understand and respect, and I thank you for reading for as far as you did.

I love you all ❤️)

A ghostly gibbous moon drifted across a sky that was saturated in unearthly royal blues and indigo, silver pinpoints of starlight glittering coldly in its wake. Their dizzying myriad would have been unrecognizable to anyone standing on the ground of Toril, the constellations alien and unknowable as they stretched into an endless infinity.

The celestial light washed over a swathe of meadow grass that swayed slowly in a phantom breeze, the trees that encircled the clearing letting loose their emerald leaves in dreamlike swirls into the air as the wind that wasn't shook and plucked them slowly loose. In the very centre of the clearing, a tall figure stood, face lifted towards the cosmos, dark eyes searching the stars with a brokenness that the sparkling lights stared back into with cold and uncaring impassivity.

As the grass swirled around his feet and the leaves from the trees filled the clearing in slowly moving spirals, he closed his eyes against the icy onslaught of the sky, feeling the landscape around him beginning to shift. When he opened them again, the moon had fallen several aeons closer and the stars that had been its backdrop were suddenly close enough to almost touch, and he fought the instinct to close his eyes again as their alien brilliance assaulted and burned them.

Around him, the slowly drifting leaves began to pick up speed, and as he faced the terrible beauty of the stars, they began to whip themselves into a pattern of form that danced the width of the clearing slowly and with purpose. Eyes defiantly trained upon the silent stars, he stood in motionless rebuke as the leaves langoriously coalesced themselves into the form of two humanoid dancers, and as they began to fall in step with each other, they swirled around him slowly in a deliberate and mocking reincarnation of what he had seen in reality mere hours earlier.

The taller of the dancers, graceful and horned, bowed deeply before him, glittering trails of blue-white Weavelight arcing across its formless face in the place of where its mouth would be, contorting into a eerie smile before twisting away into the dark once more. Following just behind it, a female form danced, elegant and graceful in its ethereal movements, the stars in the sky behind it becoming its eyes as they shifted seamlessly with its movements, impossible and yet perfect as they regarded him coldly.

He stared into the abyss as the figures danced around him, feeling their ghostly fingers brushing him as they moved, and then as he stood resolute, they came to a stop in front of him. They each raised a hand, one with eyes of the soulless stars and the other with an uncanny Weavelight smile, and their palms touched and melded as their dance resumed before him.

They spun around each other slowly, moving closer and closer, and as they each sank down onto one knee in front of the other, he watched as the moon flared with an unnatural and frozen light as their faces drew closer. When their mouths met, the leaves that made up their forms suddenly burst into flame, and he watched as the smouldering embers sparked and flickered with crimson light as they kissed each other with a passion bordering upon obscenity.

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