Ch.2 (Train to the district)

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Akaza's P.O.V. 

Gasping is the sound I make when waking up. Sitting on a train seat, I check the window and find I'm not there yet. I feel a tear cascading down my face, but why? I... Was dreaming? All I could remember during the dream was sitting in an ice cold room. But why-

And my thoughts go back to the uneaten bento. Rengoku always says to enjoy your meal as if it's your last. I should probably have some now, because maybe I'll encounter the demon sooner than I thought.

I get out the box and hold the chopsticks, but my hands begin to shake. Guess I'm more hungry than I thought. I nab a bit of tempura, putting in my mouth. The taste is so heavenly it hurts. Then I take another, and another. Before I know it, half of the food is eaten. I suppose I feel bett- just then, my surroundings feel familiar as we come to a stop.

So I gather my stuff and head out the door to be blinded by lights and deafened by the chatter of people. Drinks talking too loud mostly. I walk forward hoping this won't be too hard. Will he look inhuman or blend in with the crowd?

"MURDER! MURDER!" I run to the source of the sound. "DON'T GO IN THERE! SOMEONE'S BEEN KILLED! DON'T LOOK IF YOU'RE NOT AN OFFICER!" My eyes widen. Sooner than I thought.

I try to step past but an officer of the law stops me. "Step back, son." He bumps my shoulder and walks in while another cop blocks the way from any curious citizens. Looking back to the crowd, and to my surroundings, I try to find any hint of any demonic figure. Of course nothing, but I have to find out where he could be.

"I... I need to sit down." The traumatized man says to himself, but I follow him.

"Sir. I know you're having a hard time but I must know. What did you see?"

"I... I don't know what to tell you. Her body was freezing. Not like a cold corpse. Her skin was blue with frozen plants coming out of her." My eyes widen at such a blood demon art.

"I know. You think I'm crazy."

"Not at all. I believe you. Now tell me. Did you see anyone suspicious."

He's surprised I believe him, but goes on. "I... Well everybody who saw stopped to see it. Everyone except for one person. I don't want to make assumptions, but he just kept walking, not looking back. He was blonde with rainbow coloured eyes and a red kimono with black inky patterns."

"That's all I need." I need to kill the bastard responsible.

"Why would you believe me? Frozen plants coming out of someone isn't something you'd believe till you've seen it."

"Trust me. Crazier things can happen." I wave him off and before he can talk back, I rush to the crowded parts of the area, looking for anyone blonde. That's already a rare feature in a country like this.

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