"No one's pregnant." I laughed, always feeling at ease with these ladies.

"But she's glowing." Takeisha argued.

"You are. Have you taken a test?" Galina agreed.

"No, I haven't because I know my body and I'm not pregnant. I'm just very happy and I just finished my period two days ago."

"Ah." both of them said.

"What's got you so happy?" Galina asked.

"A lot of things. I got my promotion." I said, making them squeal.

"Oh my God! That's amazing, congratulations." Takeisha said, hugging me.

"You know what they say, those who can't write, edit. It feels good though and I'm happy about all of the changes that are coming. More responsibility, clients, my own office upstairs, it's been my dream since I started at the publishing house. I'm so excited."

"I'm happy for you. You've been working your ass off and it paid off." Galina said.

We girl chatted for a while, like we normally do and soon enough Trinity and Jimmy showed up. The guys went off to do guy things, the kids were all together, and all of the women were together talking shit. Dinner came around and it was delicious, it always is. Roman had it catered with traditional Samoan food and I feel like I'm going to fall into a food coma.

"Hey, have you seen Solo?" I asked Jimmy after dinner.

"He was in the living room last I saw him." he said, watching the tv and video game he was playing with his twin brother Jey and the kids.


"You're lucky he responded at all." Trinity laughed from the door.

"And I know it, it's a stroke of luck that Solo isn't playing. We'd lose the three of them, I'm gonna go find my man now."

He said that after dinner we'd tell everyone and my nerves are getting me. My palms are sweaty and everything, my heart is racing. The good kind of nerves. As I got closer to the living room, I heard two voices Solo's and Roman's.

"What's up man, I was looking for Nadia." Solo said.

"I wanted to talk to you about her."

"What happened? Did something happen to her?"

"No, nothing happened."

"Then what's wrong?"

"You need to break it off with her." Roman said and my heart stopped.

"What? Why the hell would I do that?" Solo asked.

"She doesn't fit! You knew this when you brought her around the first time. I told you to fix it and you didn't. She doesn't fit with our family." Roman growled.

"What the hell is your problem?" my fiance asked his cousin.

"She doesn't fit the mold for a woman in our family. I figured you'd get tired of her and she's be gone before too long but you've been together for over a year now and she's getting comfortable. She needs to go, you've gotta get rid of the dead weight. That woman is holding you back from your highest potential and I won't have that." He stated.

"I'm not breaking up with her." Solo replied,

"You will or you'll lose it all. She will be your downfall, you make that choice." Roman coldly told him.

"Why are you doing this?" Solo asked.

"I have your best interests at heart. You are my cousin, another brother to me, I won't let a woman hold you back. You're ruthless, you get shit done better than either of your brothers and you're not reaching that potential anymore. She's softened you and that won't work. Get rid of the dead weight ... tonight."

"I ..."

"Tonight! You'll lose it all if you don't, I promise you that."

"You'd take food off my table?" Solo asked.

"You're taking it off your table, not me. What is your choice?"

"I ... I'll talk to her tonight." he sighed and my heart broke.

Silently, I took off to the den where the guys were. Grabbing Solo's jacket, I got the car keys and started walking outside.

"Hey, where are you going?" Trinity asked, grabbing my hand. "What happened? Why are you crying? Keisha! Lina!"

"Stop it. Stop, it's not a big deal." I said, wiping the tears away.

"What happened?" Galina said.

"No, no, you were all smiles 10 minutes ago." Takeisha said, wrapping her arms around me.

"It's nothing ... I have to go ..." I said, pulling away from them.

"No, we're not doing this. Come on, let's get some privacy." Galina said as the adult twins heads poked out of the den.

She pulled me into Roman's office and this is the last place I want to be.

"No, that's not necessary. I love you all." I sighed, clutching the keys harder.

"Are you leaving?" Trinity asked.


"You taking Solo's car? Are you sure you should be driving? Is it your mom?" Takeisha asked.

"I'm not taking Solo's car, I was just getting my wallet and keys. Please, I have to go." I said, trying not to cry anymore.

"What happened? You just went looking for him five minutes ago. Did you fight?" Trinity asked.

"No, there wasn't a fight, there wasn't anything." I sniffled.

"Nadia!" I heard Solo call out.

"Oh God." I sighed, breathing rapidly.

"Sweetie, did you fight?" Galina asked again.

"No ... I love you all, you know that right? You're the best girl friends a girl could have." I sniffled again.

"Okay, now you're scaring me. What's going on?" Takeisha asked.

"Nadia ... hey, what's wrong?" Solo asked as he walked into the room.

"We'll go." Trinity said.

"No, that won't be necessary." I muttered, taking my necklace off.

Roman stood in the doorway of the office, his glare settled on me. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the ring and Solo looked like he was going into cardiac arrest.

"Baby ..." he muttered.

"What the hell is that?" Roman asked.

"It's ..." Solo stuttered.

"Nothing ... it's nothing." I sniffled. "I'm returning it to you."

"Baby, what are you doing?" Solo asked as I removed the ring from my necklace and placed it in his hand.

"Getting rid of your dead weight." I said and his eyes widened. "That's what you said I am, right Roman? He has to get rid of his dead weight tonight."

"Roman!" Galina said.

"Baby ..." Solo started to say.

"No, it's fine. Wouldn't want to take food off your table." I whispered.

"Baby ..."

"You were gonna do it anyway, I'm taking that weight off of you. I ... I love you,
Solo Fatu." I put my necklace back on, placed my hands on his cheeks, and kissed him before walking away.

No one followed me but I didn't expect them to. I took an Uber back to his house, packed my things, and went to my sister's house. He didn't fight ... I saw the resignation in his eyes and knew what that meant for us. I don't want to be with someone who won't fight for me, I can't do that to myself.

Roman has this hold over him, has for as long as I can think of. He's missed dinners, work events, dates, personal things because Roman just so happens to need him. I love him so much, but I deserve better. This was my last straw.

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