Chapter 1

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I'm Katie Cooper. My best friend Alexa Mendoza and I just got accepted into The University of North Carolina. I was so shocked when I got the acceptance letter, but I wasn't surprised Alexa got one. But this entire time she had been trying to convince me that I deserved it. Alexa came over and we planned our outfits together, just like we did for every first day. First day of elementary school, first day of middle school, first day of high school and now first day of college.

My mom knocked on my door and congratulated us for the third time that day. Alexa and I were at each other's houses so often we were basically family. 

"Congrats girls!" she says, hugging us both. 

"Thanks mom!" I say, smiling. 

"Yeah, thanks Jennifer!" Alexa says. 

She gave us another hug each before leaving us to go back to planning. Then because Alexa was over for dinner we had nachos. Normally mom would try some weird "healthy" dish but she never made it when we had guests because they always ended up tasting horrible. The nachos were amazing and a good break from the disgusting dish from the night before. After dinner Alexa and I decided that she would drive us there and back, as I didn't have my license yet. I was so excited I could barely sleep! The next day was orientation day and it was so much fun. 

The next morning I woke up around 7 o'clock and started getting ready for the day. I got into the outfit Alexa and I picked out and then went downstairs for a quick breakfast before collecting all my things and jumping into Alexa's car. She turned on the radio and Alexa and I's favorite song "Lush Life" came on. We got to campus and I was so excited for all the opportunities to come, but also very nervous. Alexa saw I was panicking and she gave me a little squeeze. 

"You'll be okay?" she asked - we had to separate. 

"Yeah." I say, faking a smile. 

She nodded and ran away. The first thing I did was go to the library and applied for a student position there. I needed some way to pay for college. Then I walked around the campus for a bit just getting used to it. I didn't have any scheduled classes for that day so I could just explore until Alexa was done. I found a little on-campus cafe and so I took my laptop there. I bought a latte and a donut and sat in the window and did some small jobs there - like filling out some forms for the application for the student position at the library, who knew applying for a position would be the hardest job I've ever applied for. It was super nerve wracking sending in the final application, especially when I wouldn't find out for another couple of days whether or not I would get the job, but eventually I worked up the courage to press spend. To congratulate myself in overcoming that anxiety attack, I bought another donut. When I finished my donut, Alexa was done with her classes so we went home together. 

When we got back I went over to her house and she told me all about what to expect in my classes and I helped her with her homework before going back to my house. I was greeted with a questionable-looking Macaroni and Cheese Bake. Mom insisted that it was healthier because it was dairy and wheat free, but really it just made it taste like bland mashed potatoes. So when mom wasn't looking I slipped mine to Potato who was waiting patiently at my feet, grabbed an ice cream for dessert and darted to my room before my mom could stop me. If she hated us eating them so much, she shouldn't have them in the house, so I was just helping her get rid of them - in the best way.

That's the end of Chapter 1! There won't be a A/N at the end of every chapter like the last series. I think you get the idea that I post a new chapter every day. Have an amazing day lovelies and I hope you love this book as much as I've loved writing it! xxxxxxxx

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