Friday night

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It's been a few days since....what happened. You see the Digidestined from time to time, mostly at class with T.k and Kari. Both of whom don't really talk to you,but you can tell it's not out of hatred.

You sit at home, eating (insert meal),moping. You then hear a knock at the door,you walk over to answer it,and it's Yolei.

Yolei: Hey,Y/n.

Y/n: Hey...what are you doing here?

Yolei: It's Friday,you agreed to take me on a date.

Y/n: Oh. You were serious? And you still want to go...after what happened?

Yolei: Hey, it's not your fault.

Y/n: Come on in.

Yolei steps inside and looks around your house

Yolei: So this is your Uncle's house? It's cool.

Y/n: Thanks.

You head into the kitchen and prepare her a meal

Yolei: Don't worry about food,I'll take you to dinner.

Y/n: Really?

Yolei: Yeah. Don't worry about paying me back.

Y/n: Thanks.

Yolei: By the way,you mentioned that you have a Digi-egg of Darkness,can I see it?

Y/n: Sure.

You take her to your room and show it to her.

Yolei: Wow. So this is how Dorumon was able to Digivolve?

Y/n: Yeah...I guess so.

Dorumon: It's power was able to bypass the control spires,not unlike the other Digi-eggs.

Y/n: Wait a minute..... Dorumon! You told me that I could transfer the Digi-egg's power to T.k and Kari's digivices,giving them more power,right?

Dorumon: Yes,and we pulled that off,why are you asking?

Y/n: Well,if my Digi-egg could do that, maybe the others can.

Yolei: You mean,we could bypass the control spires and reach the champion form and onwards?

Y/n: Yeah! Wait a minute,let me try something.

Yolei: What is it?

Y/n: Since my digivice was able to open a portal to the Dark Ocean, perhaps it can open a digiport on my computer?

Yolei: Hey,that might just work!

You flash your digivice at the computer and a digiport appears

Y/n: How about that?

You both head into the digital world and see a nearby control spire

Y/n: Alright! Now-oh...i forgot that you don't have Hawkmon with you.

Yolei: Well,still,at least you gave us an idea. I'll talk it over with the other Digidestined and see if we can all pull it off.

Y/n: Good.

You both head back to the real world

Yolei: Now,how about that date?

Y/n: I'll get my jacket.

After grabbing said jacket,you and Yolei head out to a nearby restaurant. As you enjoy your meal,the 2 of you have a more personal conversation.

Yolei: So.. you're in love with Kari?

Y/n: Yeah...I always loved her...but I blew it. She'll never love me,not after that.

Yolei: Don't say that. I've seen the way she looks at you,she loves you too... she's just disturbed. Give her some time and she'll forgive you. Besides, it wasn't you that did that.

Y/n: You think so?

Yolei: Yeah.

Y/n: Well,thanks for the dinner,Yolei.

Yolei: No problem. Do you mind if I stay the night at your place? Just to give you some company.

Y/n: Why not?

Yolei: Cool. Let's go to my place,so I can pick up Poromon.

Y/n: Lead away.

You head to Yolei's apartment and get her Digimon partner. You also meet her parents. You then head back to your house,where you prepare for bed. Yolei snuggles up to you for warmth,and Poromon curls up in Dorumon's tail.

Yolei: You good,y/n?

Y/n: Yeah,I'm comfortable. You?

Yolei: I'm the way,if you manage to patch things up with Kari,is it alright if I can be a third wheel?

Your eyes shoot open after hearing that

Y/n: I'm not sure about that...having 2 girlfriends?

You look over at Yolei's sleeping face

Y/n: Eh...sure.

Yolei kisses your cheek and returns to her sleeping position.

To be continued......

The Dark Digidestined: Kari x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now