Don't you fucking touch her!

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“Why is it that every time I see you, you’re trailing after that sniveling coward Snivellus,” James said as he knocked your books out of your hand. You sighed and bent down to pick them up. “Oops,” James said as he kicked one of your books across the floor. You pressed your nails into your palm and clenched your jaw in an attempt to calm yourself down. “Would you look at that, little tramps wearing a thong,” Sirius said as his hand collided with your ass. “DON’T TOUCH ME,” you yelled as you gathered your books and stood up. “Or what? Are you gonna tell Snivellus?” Sirius scoffed. “Bitch boy’s a coward. What’s he going to do, sulk at us?” James said. James and Sirius backed you into a corner. James brushed your hair out of your face and placed his hands on the wall behind you. You noticed Remus standing awkwardly to one side. He never took part in tormenting you, but he also never tried to stop it. You looked at him with pleading eyes, praying that for once, he would say something. “Come on guys, we need to get to class. I don’t want another detention,” Remus said. Sirius nodded in agreement. James looked like he wanted to argue, but eventually, he nodded. “This isn’t over, sweets. We’ll be back, and be sure to tell Snivellus that James says hi,” he said with a smirk before the three of them rounded the corner and disappeared down the corridor.

You sighed, finally allowing your shoulders to drop. You slid down the wall until you were sitting on the floor. Pulling your legs up, you rested your chin on them. You tried to hold back the tears, but you couldn’t. You closed your eyes and cried.

You didn’t know how long you’d been sitting there when you felt a calloused hand graze your cheek. Your hands instinctively flew up to shield your face. “Hey, it’s me.” You calmed instantly upon hearing Severus’ voice. “What happened,” Severus asked, his voice thick with worry. “Nothing,” you lied. “I got tired and decided to sit down. Must of lost track of time,” you said. “Y/N, please don’t lie to me,” he said. You stared up into the eyes of your best friend. “It was James and Sirius,” you said. Severus looked like he wanted to punch a wall. “What did they do to you,” he asked between gritted teeth. “They caught me after potions class. James knocked my books out of my hands,” you said. Severus could tell there was more to the story. “I know there’s more,” he said, looking at you expectantly. You looked away as tears started falling from your eyes again. “Sirius, um. He uh. He smacked my ass, and then him and James backed me into the corner,” you said as you watched your tears gathering on the floor. “SIRIUS DID WHAT,” Severus roared. He stood up and started down the corridor. “Sev, where are you going?” you yelled as you jumped up and ran after him. “They’re not gonna get away with this,” He said. “Severus, please stop! I’m okay,” you said as you pulled on his robes to try and stop him. He quickly shook you off. Severus could handle James and his band of morons tormenting him, but he’d be damned if they even so much as said one negative thing about you.

Severus threw the doors to the great hall open, with a loud thud, causing everyone to look up. He began scanning the Gryffindor table. “POTTER,” he yelled as he walked along. You trailed behind by a few feet. Lily came running up to Severus. “Severus what is going on? You’re making a scene,” she said in an attempt to get him to calm down. “Where are they,” Severus asked sharply. “They’re not here,” Lily said. “Tell your boyfriend and his stupid friends. If they ever lay a hand on Y/N again, I will kill them,” he said coldly. Lily crossed her arms over her chest. “James would never do something like…,” she began, but the words became lodged in her throat when she noticed your disheveled appearance. The broken look in your eyes. She knew instantly that Severus was telling the truth. “I’ll talk to them,” she whispered to Severus. Which seemed to quell his anger a bit. “Thank you,” he said. She nodded and went back to sit down with Frank and Alice. Severus turned back around, expecting to see you still standing there, but you were nowhere to be seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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