Struck Part 4

98 3 1

Word count: 4.5k+

Pairing: Daniel Wagner x Female Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, language, drinking, angst.


"Expecting someone else?" Josh says, leaning on the door frame.


You open the door and let him in, sucking air harshly through your nose as he passes.

You know you have to decide. Tell the truth or lie. But you know there is an extremely high chance he just saw her in the hallway, so you decide on the truth. You want her, and now you need to fight for her.

He sits down in the chair in the corner of the room and looks at you smugly, "So, I see you didn't take my advice." he says, tapping his index finger on his chin.

"What do you mean..." you reply, gauging to see how much he knows.

He tilts his head at you and gives you a 'really' look.

"I'm offended at how much you underestimate my observational skills. The girl. From the festival. That I specifically told you was not a good idea because she is a fan." he delivers that last word pointedly and raises his eyebrow. You quickly look away, trying to figure out how to begin, but he isn't finished.

"I saw her at the show last night, the two of you couldn't keep your eyes off each other, it was painfully obvious. Then, as if I didn't already know, passing her in the hallway just now sealed the deal. Did you even consider listening to me? Taking our band into consideration? Or do you just not care?" His words dig deep but his tone is calm and collected.

"That is so unfair. Jake met Jita at a gig. Is that not the same thing? Why are you so deadset that this will end badly?" you are trying hard to keep your composure even though your blood is boiling. Josh knows how much you care about the band and it's success, and it feels like a direct attack on your character that he is worried about something happening that would put the band in a negative light because of your actions.

"Not to mention, I'm an adult. I am fully capable of having a relationship and the repercussions that go along with it. She might have started out as a fan, but she is a person too, you know." Your voice is firm and you are locking eye contact with his, trying to show that you aren't backing down.

"It's not you that I am worried about. Fans can be fucking crazy. One rumor is all it takes to ruin someone's reputation. You've seen the shit people say online, it spreads like wildfire. It gets twisted and turned until it's even worse than it started and it's so hard to come back from that. We are finally taking off, booking bigger gigs, doing headlining shows. How could you risk that all for some girl you've known for a couple of months? What do you even know about her?" he pauses and seems like he is about to keep going but you've heard enough.

"Listen. I hear you. I get where you're coming from, and I understand that you are just wanting to do what's best for the band. But I need you to trust me. I've gotten to know her and she isn't just some fan. We have so much in common. I really, really like her dude. I want to see where this goes, I can't get her out of my head. Haven't since the day I laid eyes on her. I haven't felt this way in a really long time. I understand your concern, I do. But this is my decision. I am going to see her. I need you to respect that." you finish and Josh lets out a scoff.

"Unbelievable. Alright man, it's your funeral. I really hope you are right about this. For your own sake, the sake of all of our hard work, and the sake of your lifelong friendships. There's a lot on the line here, Danny." he stands up and walks back to the door.

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