Struck Part 1

158 4 1

Word count: 6.1k+

Pairing: Daniel x Female Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, language, drinking.

You tap your fingers on the steering wheel, only 25 miles until your exit. You have been counting down for a month for this trip and now all that stands between you is the three hour drive to Dayton. Three hours feels like 10 when you make the trip alone, your friends not being able to make the show with you this time. You kind of like the idea of being alone at this festival. There won't be any arguing over who to see next, there won't be 100 bathroom breaks and no one talking to you through your favorite songs.

As you make the trek from the festival gates over to stage 3, you walk right up to the barricade. Only 6 feet separate you and the stage. You pull your book out of your backpack and sit anxiously waiting for the time to pass. As the crowd starts to fill in around you a while later, you check your watch. Only ten minutes until the show starts.

The last time you saw Greta perform was about a month ago when they were playing two days in Detroit. It was your third show of theirs and you have been counting down to today since the minute it ended. Your favorite band, outside in the sunshine, with alcohol? What more could you ask for?

However, would you still be here at this festival if they weren't playing? Probably not. Is it a coincidence that your other favorite band plays the time slot after them across the field? Maybe so. Will you give up a chance to see Jacob Kiszka in the flesh, yet again? Not a chance. You hate to play favorites when they are all so talented, but the fact of the matter is you're a Jake girl and you have on the shirt to prove it. Paired with your denim cutoffs and high top vans, you are ready for the hot, summer day. You zip your book back into your backpack and stand up, turning to face the stage.

You aren't sure if it's the heat of the day, the lack of water, or just the excitement of the festival, but your heart is racing with anxious energy.

The crew members finish up on stage and you look down at your watch for what must be the tenth time, only 5 minutes until they are slated to start. The crowd has grown massive behind you, telling of how large of a following they have amassed in such a short amount of time. You can see commotion on the side of the stage and you think your heart is going to beat out of your chest. Suddenly you see them walk up the little stairs and onto the stage. A huge smile is plastered across your face as they each walk to their respective sides of the stage.

You are exactly where you wanted to be, dead center with a perfect view of all of the guys but especially Jake. After a minute or two of Josh talking, the band begins to play, starting off with Highway Tune. An obvious crowd favorite. You are so lost in the feeling of finally hearing them and seeing them play again that time passes too quickly. The songs keep coming and going before you even have a chance to really enjoy them. You sing every single word and have caught a couple of looks from Josh, a smile crossing your lips each time. About half way through When The Curtain Falls, you notice Jake looking at you, and you feel like you might pass out. He continues his solo as he makes the most gorgeous faces.

Trying to pull yourself together you turn your attention to Josh, then Sam, then Danny. You can't help but let your gaze wander back to Jake though, and sure enough he is looking at you again. You continue to sing along and enjoy the moments you have left.

Before you know it they are playing the last song of their set and you're sad it's already over. You know you'll see them again in just a few months in Ypsilanti, but it just always feels like time moves differently when you are at their shows. Too fast. Jake smiles at you as they leave the stage and your heart swells. You don't know how anyone could love any of the other guys more than him. You are reeling from their set but you know that you will have to absolutely book it to make it to The Strokes set across the field. You look down at your watch.

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