Why do I have to be pretty?

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Pearl hasn't been doing so good financially. Recently, she gave her mansion ownership to a family member because she couldn't pay the mortgage anymore, which left her on her own to get a place that's not so... huge! It's just what Pearl wanted, a small living space. She finds smaller houses or apartments to be cozy, and better for being more organized because she can't just throw stuff on the floor anymore.

I can't help but feel bad for her? She gave up Pygmy mansion not because she wanted a small place, she wasn't making as much money as I am. Me, Marina Iida! I am one of the members of Off The Hook. Pearl is the other half. That little energy filled inkling is one of the most lovable cephalopod I've ever met... but, the media says otherwise.

While I'm over here being paid to model new clothing or just read to a bunch of small young cephalopods and jellies at the local library. Pearl... well.. since Off the Hook had some what drifted apart a little bit, Pearl hasn't been getting paid for work, or for any type of offer as a model... although she would make a gorgeous one!

Anyhow, she was a little late on rent, I lent her the remaining money she needed but I can't keep lending money forever! I've told her numerous times that she could just move in with me but the more I ask the more excuses she makes.

I feel like there's something she's hiding from me. Something like she just doesn't want to live with me either because she feels guilty for putting Off the Hook on sort of hiatus or maybe something unrelated?

I just hope at some point she gets a model offer... it would be good for her. For her confidence and finances. But again... the Media wants to see people who are pretty, people who aren't too skinny and people who aren't too large. It's what modern society want out of people, they want people to have the perfect body, the perfect face, the perfect voice, and just perfect... Anything!! Apparently I have all that... I've been told that many times. Pearl however... She has been told otherwise. She's been very unconfident about her looks. I just wish I could show my dear Pearlie some love.. She needs some support... I wonder what she's doing.

I take out my phone, almost dropping it due to my frantic movements.

Alright... I just gotta get to her contact...Ah geez! How many people have I been contacting lately? There all people who give me offers?... It's ton- oh! Here she is!

I click the small icon to open the chat. Her contact photo is a old photo of her from 2nd grade, just a little squid screaming and doing whatever a little kid does... Which is screaming!

Chat started at: 3:47 Pm
Marina: Pearliee! Are you doing anything today?

Pearl: crying

Marina: ...Can I come over?

Pearl: 👍

Pearl doesnt use any sentences when she's upset... Why is she upset?... I won't mind that right now, I gotta get going!

Pearl dosent live to far from me, it's really only a 5 minute drive on my Motor-bike.
I put on my helmet swiftly and cleanly, then, I got on my bike almost toppling over but regaining my balance quickly.

The wind against my skin feels nice. It's calming just to drive around the city and seeing what there is to see, makes me wonder how much people can love living in inkopolis. Sure it's a bit noisy and there's a bit of litter on every street corner but hey! Inkopolis can surprise you with a lot of unpredictable beauty. Just like Pearl, just because the media doesnt find her pretty dose t mean she doesn't have any at all! You just need to find the time to look for it.

My stop! Pearls apartment, the outside is just bricks, but still has a rustic and nice look to it.

Ding Dong! goes the doorbell. I click the doorbell that says Houzuki on it, written on a piece of masking tape.

I hear the click of the doorknob turning. My heart starts to race a bit wondering if it was an good Idea to come and see Pearl or not.

We havent seen eachother in quite a while, I just hope us as friends, we don't grow apart. I'm scared of that honestly... I can't really turn to anyone. Pearl is kind of the only squid I know the most, she's been there for me as much as she can and I want to do the same for her.

"Yo" She stands there with one of my old hoodies on, grey sweatpants and black slippers... she also got her lip repercied I see?


"Hi Pearl, can I come in?" I say with a warm smile across my face and my ears perked up.

"Uh.. yeah! of course ya can!" She gestures for me to step inside. "its just up a few stairs, nothin too fancy."

We eventually get up the steps. Pearl's door is decorated with all types of things, a lot of stickers of fish skeletons, the ones you would ffind on a locker or some kids skateboard.

she opens her overly decorated door to reveal a somewhat clutterd mess of random boxes.

"What's with all the boxes pearl?" Pearl looks at me with an unhappy face when I asked about the boxes. She walks over to a coffee table placed in front of her small two seater couch.
She hands me the paper.

"It's... It's a eviction notice?" I look at the paper in confusion. Pearl said that the rent did get a bit higher but I wouldn't think it's this high that she getting evicted!

" 'Rina'... you still got that extra room at your place?"

I think I'm gonna have some extra company...

And they were roommates... oh my cod they were roommates!Where stories live. Discover now