CNN BREAKING NEWS: active shooting reported at Encinitas area high school

My eyes widen.

"Um Al, you need to call Mack. Right now." I look up and see Kelley.

I click on her contact and it rings, going to voicemail.

"Babe? It's me. I just read about a shooting in Encinitas and I'm hoping it's not at your high school. Call me. Please."

I click the red button and look up, feeling myself getting worried.

"She didn't answer, but she also has a class first period so even if nothing was happening, she wouldn't answer."

She sighs.

"Kel, what if-"

"Hey. Don't think like that. I'm sure she's fine. You have her mom's number?"

I nod and quickly hit her contact.

"Alex, oh my god. Did you see the news?"

"Yeah. I did. Have you heard from Mack? Do they know what high school?" I ask frantically.

"I haven't heard anything. They haven't said. Wait, here's an update."

I wait and I hear a gasp.

"It's Mack's school, Alex. We have to keep calling her. I'm going to head towards the school."

I close my eyes and everything feels like it's getting further away.

"Al. Alex. ALEX."

My eyes shoot open and I see Kelley with my phone.

"I told Mack's mom, we will stay in touch. Come on, let's go to the locker room."

My eyes widen, "I need to get on a plane."

I quickly stand up, "Whoa. Whoa, Al. Just wait, you can't get on a plane. We have to wait for news."

I turn around, "I'm not waiting around to find out that she's dead, Kel. I'm not!"

She walks closer, "Hey. You're panicked, understandably so. Just take a breath, you're scared. But there's something I've learned about Mack from you."

"What's that?" I sniffle.

"She's resilient and resourceful. She's going to do everything that she can to get to you, Riley, and Charlie."

"Oh my god, Riley and Charlie. I need to call their schools."

I click Charlie's teacher's contact, "Hi, Ms. Morgan!"

"Hi! Just checking in on Charlie, how's she doing?"

She chuckles, "Great, happy to be playing tea party with some friends."

I let out a breath, "That's great. I don't know if you've heard, but there's an active-"

"We're aware and keeping an eye on it. Right now, your baby is safe."

"Great, thank you. Tell her I love her."

"I will. Bye!"

I hang up, "Okay, Charlie is good."

I click Riley's school and they quickly answer, "Hi, my name is Alex Morgan, I'm calling about Riley Hughes. I'm on her list of approved adults."

"Okay, let me look...and yep, there you are, how can I help you?"

"I don't know if you've heard about the active shooter situation, but Riley's mom teaches there so I wanted to call and just check on Ry."

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